Chapter 16

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As I got ready for our first official date I couldn't help but feel like a little giddy school girl. I sang in the shower which is something I never did. I just hoped that dad and Elizabeth didn't pick up on my new found happiness. If they heard me then they  would start to become suspicious. I told dad that I was hanging out with Caleb and a few friends and that he was going to pick me up. I didn't want him to know that we would be alone at his place. That would not end well for Caleb. Dad was very protective over his girls. He also wouldn't like how it looked being alone with a man. If anyone saw us together than we would be the talk of the town. And not in a good way. I had to be very careful that no one see us alone together. I could not have this getting back to dad, especially since I lied to him.

By the time I finally got done getting ready it was time for Caleb to be here. I heard the doorbell ring which meant he was a few minutes early. I could hear him come in and my dad introduced him to Elizabeth. He then waited for me in the living room until I was done. It always took forever to dry my thick wavy hair. I put on a little makeup real quick to seem a little more presentable. This was my first real date. I could hardly contain myself. I thought this day would never come and I would surely end up alone with a million cats one day. What am I saying I'm allergic to cats. At any rate I though I would be alone maybe even still living with dad. Wow how pathetic does that sound. But my dad is a pretty great roommate after all. I just don't ever want him to feel alone and abandoned with Elizabeth being gone and all. Besides we love riding to and from work together. 

I soon got finished and headed down the hallway. I could hear laughing and stories being told of me. I soon barged in and said, "Wait a second this isn't fair. Your telling that story all wrong I was not in love with Cookie Monster not Big Bird. Get it straight dad." I then laughed. I had been in love with Cookie Monster when I was like 4 years old. He may have been a puppet but I though he was great. Not that Caleb needed to know any of this. My dad was digging deep to tell him things no one else knew and I wanted to keep it that way. No telling what else he may have said while I was in my room. Mental note to self make sure I am done way ahead of next time to avoid all of the embarrassing stories that may be told when I am not in the room.

As we made our way out of the house and into Caleb's Jeep I couldn't help but smile to myself. He was such a good fit with my family. They really liked him and that was no easy task. They usually had a hard time letting new people into our little circle. This is why me, dad and Elizabeth probably all still have the same friends we grew up with. It was nice seeing how well he just fit into place with us. I shook my head and hopped in not wanting Caleb to see just how much this date really did mean to me and that I was really starting to fall for him. I mean I was falling hard. I just hoped that he was feeling the same way about me.

As we drove off I put my hand out the window and enjoyed the cool breeze passing through my finger tips. This was something I loved to do as a kid but hadn't really done it since then. It felt so right and natural being with Caleb. It was as if he had always been in my life. I enjoyed his company and our conversations. I was determined to find out about his past. Even the smallest glimpse would be greatly appreciated to help me understand what made him who he is today. He knew all about me and my family but I knew nothing about him. I know we all have a past and I was willing to not let anything bad or negative impact our relationship. Because it happened before I ever met him and you can't hold someone accountable for their past actions when they are trying to better themselves in the present time. I wasn't going to be too pushy but I would try in very subtle ways to get the past out of him. Maybe he would loosen up with a beer or two. Truth serum seems to do the trick every time as my mom use to say. 

As we approached his place he told me to hold on and he would get my door. He was such a perfect gentleman. I could really get use to feeling pampered. He was always such a gentleman. He opened up my door and took my hand to help me down. We then made our way to his front door. He fumbled with his keys and finally got the door unlocked. He seemed a little nervous. It was kind of cute. It also made me feel better because I was extremely nervous also. When we walked in his place it was amazing and nicely decorated. It wasn't at all like a bachelor pad but instead quite homey. It smelled so good also just like fresh baked cookies. I looked around waiting not really knowing what to do next. He then asked me if I wanted something to drink and I let him know that some water would be fine. He then told me to have a seat anywhere. I slowly made my way to the couch while eyeing the room trying to find any glimpse into his personal life. But there weren't any pictures of anyone anywhere. This was definitely not helping me with my mission of finding out more about him and his past. I slowly sat down on the couch and waiting for him to return. It only took a few moments for him to come from the kitchen with my bottled water and he had a beer. I politely said thank you and then there was the dreaded awkward silence. Both of us just sitting there and not sure of what to say or do. He finally broke the silence by asking about my day.

I replied with, "It was good. I finally have all of my parts to start fixing up my car now."

He smiled at me really big and said, "Would you mind if I came over and help you fix it?"

"That would be great. I could use an extra set of hands helping me out. With your help we should have it up and running in no time. I'm going to start working on it tomorrow. If you have some free time and want to come over I would definitely love the help." I winked at him and felt my face getting a little red.

"I have zero plans tomorrow. I will be over when ever you want me to."

"I will call you and let you know tomorrow once I am up and moving. If that's ok with you?" I gave him a sly smile.

"I usually get up pretty early so I am game for any time." He said and then ran his fingers through his hair. He then said that he had everything ready for us to eat whenever I was ready.

I was starving and ready to see what delicious goodness he had in store for us.

"I starving so right now would be fine by me." I patted on my belly and made a goody face.

It caused a slight chuckle to escape his mouth. "Well then follow me your royal court jester and ye shall have a wonderful feast."

I just shook my head and smiled while following behind him to the kitchen. He had made lasagna and garlic knots with a wonderful looking side salad.

"Oh, this all looks so amazing. Do you cook like this all the time?" I couldn't believe that someone would go through all this trouble for me.

"No not all the time since it's just me. But I do like to cook from time to time."

"Well I am throughly impressed. I am honored that you would share this with me." I felt my face getting flushed.

"Truth be told you are the first woman I have ever cooked for." His lips curved up into a sly smile.

"Well I really do feel quite honored now." I began to nervously fidget with my napkin in my lap.

As dinner came to an end we decided to take a ride. I was kind of ready to get out of here. Being alone with Caleb made me a little uneasy. He was so darn good looking and charming. I wouldn't be able to resist that charm for very long and I knew that he sensed it. All the more reason to get out of here.

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