Chapter 10

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Caleb's POV

I had really messed up by assuming that Katherine and Rachel were dating. But in my defense the guys had me think that she wasn't into guys. I guess I mistook that for she wasn't dating any guys at the moment and when I saw her hugging and what looked like kissing Rachel in the car. I just assumed they were together. I felt so bad for what I had said. I could tell that she was very upset by it. When she came out of the bathroom I could see that she had been crying. I really wanted to talk to her but she made it clear to me that she was in no mood to talk. I had to think of a way to make it up to her. I couldn't have the bosses daughter being mad at me for the rest of her life. Plus, I was keeping a really big secret from them. I would just hope that they would forgive me someday when I finally gained the courage to tell them the truth.

I decided to go to the festival tonight so that I could see if I could get Katherine alone and talk to her and tell her just how sorry I was. She was such a nice girl and I didn't want to have her feel uncomfortable being around me. Being a new guy in town I didn't really have any friends yet so I would be going alone. The guys at the shop were all really nice but they were all quite a bit older than me and we had different interests. I went home every night and wrote in my journal. That was how I like to pass the time. I had been doing it every since I had joined the service. It helped me get all of my thoughts, fears and frustration out.

I wasn't use to small town living since I had grown up in a big city but it was really starting to grow on me. Here everyone knew each other but back home no one talked to you and you hardly ever saw the same face twice. I had to admit that small town living really was the way to go. I really wished that I could make a home here one day. That's if everything went ok. I got dressed and decided I would head out. I would get there a little early so I could catch Katherine when she came in the gate. I was hoping that maybe it would be a chance to get to know her and her friends so that I could maybe have some friends to hang out with also. It would be nice to have people around my own age to talk to. I had just gotten out of the military and I had made a lot of friends there but most of them had either re-enlisted or moved to other states. I learned how to work on vehicles in the military which proved to come in handy when I was searching for Katherine and her family. It was a perfect way to get to know them and vice versa. That would also be part of the secret that I was keeping from them. I had to wait for the right time to tell them everything and hope they wouldn't hate me after all was said and done.

I got in my Jeep Wrangler with the top off and headed to the fair grounds where the festival was being held. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I was hoping that Katherine wouldn't completely shut me down. I needed her to know that I didn't mean what I said in a bad way. I just assumed something I shouldn't have. I kept driving and thinking of different ways I could start the conversation. I wanted to be as prepared as possible. I guess my military background came in handy for that. I pulled into the parking lot and headed towards the gate. I would wait there and hope for the best. I need to catch Katherine as soon as she came in to see if I could get her alone for a few minutes. I decided to get my phone out and follow up on a few text messages I had received on my way over here, one from my old buddy in the marines and the other from my old drill instructor checking up on me. I sure did hope she was going to get here soon or this was going to make for a really long night. What if she decided not to come because she was scared of running into me? I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. I would hate to be the reason she missed out on a night of fun with her friends.

I walked inside the gate and luckily there was an empty bench I could sit at which gave me the perfect vantage point to the gate entrance. There would be no way I would miss her from this angle. I kept running it over in my head how I would approach her. I needed it to be perfect because I didn't want to blow this opportunity. An hour came and gone and she still hadn't arrived. I didn't care if I had to sit there all night long as long as I got a chance to explain myself to her. Another 30 minutes passed and finally there she was. She was stunning, hands down the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. How did I not see just how beautiful she was before. This was going to be a problem after all. I was very attracted to her, but there would be no way I could ever act out on those feelings. I didn't come here to fall in love with her. That was the last thing either one of us needed. I didn't deserve Katherine. She was perfect in every way not at all like me. I was broken beyond repair and didn't deserve to find happiness. She deserved so much more than I was able to give.

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