Chapter 15

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Monday rolled around and I was up, getting ready for work and then heading out the door. Me and dad always rode together in the morning. It was just something we have always done since we go in so early. We never really talked because we were both too tired and still waking up. Our coffee hadn't usually had time to kick in yet. I was anxious to see how Caleb would react to me today. Would he talk to me or would he ignore me? Guys always become weird when they are around other guys. For some reason they feel like they have to be the alpha male and dominate. This would be a good indication of his character towards women in general.

We pulled up to the shop and there waiting outside in his Jeep was Caleb. He liked to come early to help me get things set up for the day. But now it made me nervous. I would be alone with him for about an hour before the other guys started showing up and once they started showing up I hoped it wouldn't be awkward between us. When we got out of the truck Caleb got out of his Jeep and met us at the door. He said hi to both of us and almost looked as nervous as I did. He held the door open for me and dad and then came in after us. Dad went to the office to start a pot of coffee and to take care of things in there while me and Caleb worked in the garage. At first we didn't say anything to each other. Again with the awkward silence. I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to initiate the conversation first.

"So Caleb did you like to see all of the different places around town yesterday?" Oh no did that sound like a stupid question? I didn't want to see needy.

"Yeah I had a great time yesterday. It was really great getting to hang out with you all day. We have so many things in common. It's nice to finally meet someone who loves nature as much as I do." Caleb said while trying not to blush but it was too late his cheeks became a bright pink.

How cute I thought maybe he does really like me but he had a hard time showing it and may be a little shy when it comes to things like that. That was ok I most definitely had no experience in that department what so ever. I had never dated anyone before. I was too busy working and taking care of the family that I had little time to think about finding Mr. Right. Could Caleb finally be my Mr. Right? It felt good being around him. It was as if there was a gravitational force bringing us closer together. Like we were meant to be together all along. I cleared my throat and before I had time to turn around Caleb was right behind me. He gently took my head in his hands and bent down to kiss me. It was magical like my lips had fireworks exploding inside of them. What was this feeling I was having? I had never been kissed before so this was something super special and oh so new. I felt at ease and started to kiss him back as if my lips were meant to be with his my whole life. He then slowly let go of my face and backed away from me leaving me feeling empty and wanting more. I opened my eyes and there he was standing in front of me with a big goofy smile on his face. I started to blush and lightly rubbed my fingers across my lips still feeling the sparks that had been ignited a few seconds earlier.

I looked up at him and said, "That was magical. I have to confess something to you. That was the first time I have ever kissed someone before."

He looked at me with a shocked expression and said. "Wow! So I got to be your first kiss. Wait I'm sorry did I ruin it for you?"

"No you didn't ruin it at all. In fact I was waiting for you to kiss me. I am happy you were my first kiss." I blushed and looked down at the ground feeling a little embarrassed.

He lifted my head up and kissed me again only this time with a lot more passion. He wasn't holding anything back and I liked it a lot. This was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced in my life. I could go on kissing Caleb forever. He slowly released my lips once more and rested his forehead on mine while taking both of my hands in his. He then kissed my forehead and said, "We better finish up before the guys get here."

I had to blink several times in order to get myself out of the trance I was in. I shook in head in agreement and we started to work once more. I had the hardest time focusing on getting my task done because I was too obsessed with watching Caleb. All of the guys started to show up and I was back to work mode. I had little time to think about anything else but the task at hand. Thank goodness I could manage to stay focused at work and not get too distracted by the incredible specimen across the shop. I caught him several times stealing a glance at me just like I was stealing glances of him. We would smile at each other and go back to working. I really hoped this would not complicate things around here. I most certainly did not want anyone to know about us. Not just yet at least. I wanted to make sure that this relationship was really going somewhere. The only other person who I would confide in of course would be Rachel. She would be the only one who would know.

As the day came to an end I was relieved that all of the other guys were gone already leaving Caleb and I alone again. Dad was still in the office and I was worried that he may pop his head in there to check up on me so I definitely didn't want any kisses from Caleb. I would be mortified if my dad saw me kissing him that way. I know that he likes Caleb but I don't think that we would like for us to be dating. Especially working so closely together. I was finishing up trying to put my tools back when Caleb said, "Can I come and get you tonight and we just hang out at my place?"

I was kind of shocked and scared. Being alone with him and the feelings we obviously had for one another could end in something I wasn't ready for. But he was a gentleman and I shouldn't worry about anything like that. If he knew that I had never been kissed before than he would of course know that I still had my v card intact. I wasn't going to just give it up that easily. I had to know that he was the right one for me and that he was going to stick around for the long haul.

I looked up at him and replied with, "Yes that would be great. I would love to see where you call home."

He smiled at me and exclaimed, "Great then I will pick you up at 7:30. How does that sound?

"Sounds great! It's a date then." I blushed when I said the last part.

Caleb shook his head yes, then a small smile started to form in the corners of his mouth. He ran his fingers through his hair and put his hands in his jean pockets. His handsome face turning bright red. It was so sweet how he blushed around me. This was our real first date I guess as a couple. It felt nice to call it that. Yes this was our first date as a couple I repeated to myself again. I am utterly excited and terrible nervous. I was ready for Caleb to pick me up and spend more time with to get to know him. He was such a mystery to me. He didn't really like to talk about himself but tonight I was hoping that would change.

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