We protect legacy

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Sun was high up. The room was silent, you could hear pin drop. Windows, covered by blinds to prevent sunlight seeping through.

"Are you not gonna rest? You've been painting for quite some time now"

A girl says to a lavender eyed boy. Her hands on her hips as she try to reason him to stop.

"No! I need to keep doing this! We're the only one who can relive her legacy!" Yushiro roared. His eyes did not glance at the girl behind him and only stared at the canvas he painted.

Y/n sighs worriedly. It was true. Only them both can continue their past master's legacy and memories. But it had been centuries.

"You need to stop Yushiro. You can continue later--

"How many times will I need to tell you?! Just leave me alone!!" He snapped, his head turned to her with eyes glaring as sharp as a knife and cold as ice.

He then turned his head back and continued painting. Not caring if she decides to stay or go.

The clicks of the clock resonated around the house. Along with the occasional tap and swivel of the paint brushes that made contact on the canvas.

Y/n and Chachamaru(the demon cat) stood be on the door to Yushiro's room. She turns to look at the boy again and closes the door.

"I wonder how many years will pass until he realizes that nothing will change..." Y/n mutters to the cat.

Walking to the living room, she grabs umbrella and walks out. She had stood there in the room of Yushiro's until night.

Her eyes glanced at the twinkling stars on the vast sky. Her amazement at how the times had changed into a more modern era.

Her feet dragged her into the school she was tasked to enter. As to not attract attention to the both of them.

It was a Sunday night, houses turned their lights off signing of their start of slumber.

"I hope he changes... if he does... maybe he'll finally notice my feelings..." y/n flustered, a deep red blush on her cheeks at the thought of Yushiro finally acknowledging her.

Through the centuries, she had been tasked by Yushiro to watch over their ally's descendants. In order to protect them if someone laid hands on a boy spider Lily.

"But man~~ Tanjiro's descendants are such a pain in the butt. Especially the one that looks like him. He inherited his skills! " she whines. She had remembered the day she found him jumping to building to building.

"What's his name again?... ah! Sumihiko!" She exclaims.

"Oww!! Why did you even drag me out if you will be angry?!"

Y/n peeks on the corner of the wall, to on my find Nezuko and Zenitsu's descendants.

"Oh.. it's Yoshiteru and Touko"

"Shut up! Kanata invited us for a sleepover remember?!" The Nezuko look a like yells at her Zenitsu look a like brother.

"But all I will do there is watch you to flirt!!" Yoshiteru whined, his long sleeves being pulled by his sister, Touko.

Touko blushes profusely.
"What?! No we're not--

"Hey, look. It's Y/n-san" Yoshiteru points out at your direction.

"Eek! I shouldn't have underestimated the good hearing Zenitsu passed down!!" Y/n shrieks.

"Oh, hey Y/n-san" Touko greets.

You step out of your corner and walks towards them.
"Haha, sorry for umm.. hiding"

"No no it's fine!" The girl says, a bright smile on her face.

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