Talk (edited)

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"Huh. . . I wonder if it's really a coincidence or . . . Not..." Sumihiko mumbles. His maroon hair bouncing as he walked with his brother,Kanata.

"Just don't pay mind to the rumors. You're going to be easily influenced you know" Kanata tells him, unfolding the paper in his bag, slowing down a little.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sumihiko sighed. "I guess. . . I'll just ask her tomorrow" he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he approached the door to the apartment.

"Hmm, yeah"


"Goodnight boys"

"Goodnight mom" the two brothers says back to their mother who closed the door, leaving their room engulfed in darkness.

Kanata closes his eyes to sleep but couldn't as he hears his brother's bed shuffle and creak continuously. Groaning in annoyance, he smacks the wood that held his bed and glared down the bunk bed.

"Hey! Can't you try to sleep quietly? I'm trying to sleep here!" He whispered angrily at his brother who stared back at him with a huff.

"I can't sleep"

"..." Kanata laid back on his bed and faced the wall. Pulling the blanket over him, he groans. "Don't invite me in that walk of yours" Kanata groaned, pulling his covers more to him.

Sumihiko sits up and peaked his head up his brother's upper bed. "C'mon, Kanata. I can't sleep, and you know I'll bother you until you agree" he say replies, grumbling.

"..." Kanata doesn't respond and only stared at the wall.

His brother frowns and slipped back under his covers. " You know. . ." Sumihiko trailed off, trying to get his brother active.

Kanata sighed and moved on a better sleeping position. "What?" He grumbled, placing his legs over a pillow and hugging it tight.

"I can't stop thinking about. . . it" Sumihiko says, slipping his hands behind the back of his head as he stared at the wooden structure of the bunk bed.

His purple eyed brother flinches at the topic and prepared to sleep. He turns and tucks himself in his bed. "Let's not talk about that. We can't have anything involved in something we don't understand" Kanata tells Sumihiko who frowns.

Sumihiko immediately sat up from his bed and climbed up, halfway, on top of his brothers bunk. "But we can't just leave it like nothing happened!" He exclaims at him.

"We have to, we don't even know why or how it happened. . .no, even what happened!" Kanata replied, not facing his brother.

". . .we can ask Yoshiteru and Touko--

Kanata faces Sumihiko with a stern stare. "Do NOT involve them into this mess" he says sternly.

"But they may have the answers! They also didn't go to school you know! Same with Y/n and Yushiro!" Sumihiko hisses. Suddenly, his eyes widen as if he remembered something.

"The diary!" He exclaims out of the blue.

"What diary--" "Hell no!" Kanata shouts.


"Boys! You both still have school tomorrow! sleep!" Their mother shouts, suddenly entering their room before leaving and closing the door behind her with a loud bang.

Sumihiko turns to his brother yet again. "If you don't want to borrow the diary. Then we'll go through the 'ancestor stuff' by mom's room"

___ Meanwhile(earlier)

"I-is this seriously real...?" Yoshiteru mumbled lowly, his hands shakily gripping the worn out notebook infront of him.

"This can't possibly-- Hey!!" He shouts annoyed at his sister who snatched the notebook from his grasp.

"No... no... no!" Touko ranted urgently, flipping the pages quickly, her eyes quickly scanning each letter and text. Biting her bottom lip, she could feel anxiety cloud her heart. "T-there is nothing here that explains this!" She shouts, throwing the notebook on the ground, surprise her brother.

Yoshiteru immediately drops down to his knees to catch the book before it fell on the ground. He sighs in relief as it lands on his hands before glaring at his sister. "Don't throw an old inheritance! Do you know how much they kept this clean?!" He scolds.

His scolding only fell into deaf ears as Touko continued walking around the shed, he hands were gripping her hair.

"Ahhh shit!--


"Shut up! I have no time to care about my language, Yoshiteru!" Touko yelled angrily, stomping her foot down.

She rubs her face in frustration. "I knew we shouldn't have messed around with those clothes!" She huffed, remembering the hemp leaf patterned pink kimono.

Her brother groans and sat up, placing the orange gradient, white triangle patterned haori down the table. "You were the one who was curious--

"Ugh! Don't you dare point the finger at me!" She whined, pointing a finger at him instead.

An irk mark appears on his face but kept his anger down.

". . .This girl's hopeless"


Ok so. . .I'm gonna edit this later and add the remaining parts.

I'm in a online class right now and it's taking forever to start. Besides that, I'm sleepy already.



The next faithful day-

"Let me borrow your--

"Let me borrow your--

-heirlooms. . ."

Both Kamado siblings and Agatsuma siblings stared at each other in shock as they stood infront of their school gates. The students all walked past them to go inside the campus.

Touko's brows furrowed. "Did something happen to you guys too?" She asks, curios and hopeful of the answer.

Sumihiko nods slowly, his soft maroon hair bounced at the nod. "Yeah. . . We saw some looking the guys in our ancestor's pictures" he replied, remembering the picture framed in the living room.

Yoshiteru gasps. "R-really?! Us too!" He exclaims. He could still remember the picture their ancestor slipped in the diary. A blonde haired boy with a pink coloured eyed girl.

"Wait wait, so you mean. . ."Kanata mumbled.

"See? I told you brother" Sumihiko says smugly, knowing he had been correct from the start. "They have the diary and we need it--"

The maroon haired boy was then cut off by a scoff of Touko. She flips her long hair with an irritated look on her face. "Don't bother searching through the diary. We stayed up all night and we haven't found any useful thing there except who the people Yoshiteru saw" she stated, scoffing.

Kanata raises a brow. "Wait, so how come you didn't see anyone? Why only Yoshiteru?" he asks, confused.

She crosses her arms and huffed. "When I was in that. . . Time or something. I was confused when I was in a box, I even have a bamboo thingy on my mouth" Touko grumbled, shuddering as she remembered the taste of the bamboo.

Yoshiteru's lips form a straight line as he tried to remember. "A box...?" He mumbled, thinking carefully and what he saw that day.

Suddenly, Sumihiko's eyes widen. "Wait! A box? I felt something heavy on me that day!" He exclaimed.

The black haired boy's brows furrowed. "Who or where were you in the 'scene' anyway?" He asks.

Sumihiko rubs his chin as he tried thinking on who he was with at the time. "I was with a blue haired boy. . . A blonde boy . . . And a girl that looks like--


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