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"Didn't know you were close with guys like that Y/n!" Toujorou remarked as he walked beside you as both of you walk to your designated class.

Y/n sighs and shakes her head.
"Are you getting the wrong idea--

"Wrong idea??" He asks. His smile never wavering.

Grunting she shuts up and continues their walk.

"Gosh. Am I the one who's getting the wrong idea? Geeez" she thought. A blush came it's way to her cheeks as she felt embarrassed.

He notices your red face and moves closer. He puts the back of his hand on your forehead.

"Your not sick are you?, Y/n?" He asked oblivious to what he was doing.

Y/N's face explodes at the gesture. Her eyes widened and her temperature rises.
"W-what?! U-umm " she stuttered flusteredly.

She grabs a hold of his hands softly and slowly moves it away. She avoids eye contact due to embarrassment.
"I-I am fi-fine, Toujorou-kun" she mumbles at him softly.

He beams and takes back his hand.
"That's good then! We wouldn't our Y/n getting sick now?" He announces happily.

Y/n nods and continues to walk.
"L-lets go" she stuttered

Toujorou nods and walks by her side. A bright smile that never seem to leave his face.

Y/n carress her warm cheeks.
"Why am so feeling this?! These feelings are supposed to be for Yushiro alone!... But"

She peeked at the bright boy beside her.
"But I guess it won't be too bad if I like him. Maybe I can remove this feelings for Yushiro too"


Y/n sat on the rooftop. Her hair blowing as the wind blew. In her hand, a juice box which contained the blood Yushiro supplies that he got from hospitals or animals.

She sipped on the straw. Her eyes scanning the ground below.
"Another day's work"


The demoness turned to Sumihiko that stood by the door. In his hands, a bento.

"Ah, Sumihiko-kun. What are you doing here?" She questioned the male as he walked towards her.

"Eating" he replied. He sits down next to her and proceeded to take out the utensils.

"Eehhh? You're not eating with your brother today?"

He chomps down on a omelette and shakes his head.
"He's busy with something. The others were nowhere to be found too, and besides...

... I have something to confirm about you"

"And besides?" She asked. Curious as to why he trailed off at the end.

Sumihiko ebooks his head and continues eating. He was sure that Y/n had been stabbed but...

She's acting like nothing happened at all...

"Hey Y/n"


"Where's your lunch?" He asked. His eyes stared at the juice box you had on hand. Confusion as there were no plastic wrappers or any bento that signifies lunch.

She flinched at the question. No one had asked that before since she always ate at the rooftop.

"I... already ate"


"At home--

"What??! You must be starving then!" He exclaimed worrily. He turns to her with bento in hand.

"Here! We can share if you want!"

"A-ah! No, no! I dont--

"No! You can't study when your starving you know. You might fall unconscious!" He states seriously as he pushes the bento to you.

You giggle awkwardly and pushes the bento box away. Your smile strained.
"N-no! I don't need it. I'm full anyways" you stammered. She felt a pit on her stomach at the thought of her eating human food.

"As much as I miss human food, I'd rather die than eat it again!"

Unlike Yushiro. He only has mild stomach ache when eating. But to you, it felt like someone keeps punching your gut repeatedly.

And also, you puke it out.

"What?? Are you sure?" Sumihiko asks. He held the chopsticks which already holds an omelette.


He leaned back and sighs. He closes his eyes and stays quiet but then he opens his eyes and quickly turned to Y/n. His eyes held fire of determination.

And at that moment, she felt something bad was going to happen.

"Oh please don't tell me what I think he's gonna do"

"I'm not giving up! You'll taste my mom's amazing cooking!"

He rushed the chopsticks to you. Aiming for your mouth. Y/n notices this and tilts her head to the side, dodging the food.

He stares at you determined. He puts his bento to the side and stances while both of you sat on the ground.

"Aww c'mon!" She whined.

Back and forth, you dodge his food while he tries to make it in your cavern. His fast movements was like Tanjiro's.

Sweat trickled down your chin as you now had trouble dodging.


Y/n suddenly jumps away. Despite being able to conquer the sun. She can only stay under the the sun for an hour. As she only asked Tanjiro for a small dose of his blood.

"Y/n?" He called out worrily. The scene of you covering your face worried him.
"Did I accidentally poked her eye? But I made sure I was only aiming for the mouth.." He pondered.

"Let's g-go Sumihiko-kun. The bell's gonna ring soon" she announced and walked in the stairs.

He grabs his still open bento and followed her in. Opening the door, he see Y/N's back facing him.


She flinched and turned to him smiling.

While she opened her mouth to respond. He had fed her the omelette in such a fast speed.





Y/N's organs screamed as she tearfully munched on the food that was forced upon her. Her hands clenched shut and forced herself not to spit out the food. She didn't want to be disrespectful to the Kamado.

He smiles at her brightly while closing his bento and moving the chopsticks aside.
"It's good isn't it??" He obliviously stated.

She nodded hesitantly and forced herself to swallow the damned omelette.


"Ah! See you later Y/n! I'm gonna be late!" He waves off as he jumped down the railings and lands to the floor below.



"Huh? Where's Y/n?" Sumihiko questioned back to his brother, Kanata.

"Yes, apparently she didn't enter the last class that we both had" Kanata tells his brother.
"Have you seen her?" He added.

"Well, we both had lunch on the rooftop. She didn't have anything to eat so I tried to give her but she kept declining. So I forced her" he blatantly explained.

Kanata faceppalmed at his brother's obviousness.
"Let's try to look at the clinic"

"Huh? Why clinic?"

"I just have a hunch"

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