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"Spy on who?"

Yushiro and Y/N's eyes widen in surprise and looked at the corner to see a glowering Daki. Her hands on her hips and lips tugged in a scowl.

Raising her brow, she stares at the two, seeing Y/n, she could somewhat remember her.

"Who is this girl again?. . . Ah! The flower boy's friend!" Daki thought.

"Are you two deaf or some shit? Didn't you hear my question?" Asked Daki, glaring at the two.

Both Y/n and Yushiro gulped nervously. Even when reincarnated, it seems like their senses hasn't dwindled. After all, they were whispering like crazy. Who wouldn't hear them?

Ume frowns and leans forward more. "Hey brats! You deaf?!" She shouts, her patience running on a thin line.

Yushiro took a deep breathe and calmed his nerves before staring at the girl right in the eyes with a bland face. "For your information, we are not deaf. And second, we're gonna be late for our curfew so goodbye" he says quickly before grabbing Y/N's wrist and bolting.

Daki's brows furrowed as she stared where the two had run off

"What are you doing yelling out here...?" Gyutaro asks, grumbling as he suddenly appears behind her.

The girl shrieked in surprise and immediately smacked him in the head. "Don't do that Onii-chan! Geez!" She fumed, glaring at him.

The boy only rolled his eyes, slipping his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "Yeah yeah..." he mumbled before turning back to where he came from. "That man is looking for you again, dunno why" he grumbled, walking away.

Sighing, she muttered out curses before following her brother. "Fiiiiinne"


"Let's just stay away from their descendants, Y/n" Yushiro sighed, rubbing his temples.

Y/n huffed and crossed her arms, placing both of her feet up at the table. "That's impossible" she answered blatantly.

The green haired boy snaps his head towards her. "I told you, Y/n! We can't stick to them too much! We're demons and their humans!" He shouts, bringing his hands down the table.

"But still! You can't just deny the fact that I miss them!" She shouts back, her brows furrowing.

"So?! We have to protect them from the shadows or else someone's gonna find us out sooner or later!" Yushiro tells her.

He just can't have all their hard work be destroyed by something called feelings. They had sworn to protect their dear friends's descendants until they die.

And they wont die. . .

After all. . . The only one who can kill them is in the Ubuyashiki estate.

"I just miss them ok?! Everytime I see them, I see Tanjiro and Nezuko's face! Along with the others!" Y/n screamed out, her eyes getting teary. She had longed to follow them to the other side but feared on what awaited her. The fiery depths of hell or cloudy lights of heaven.

"Mitsuri and Obanai are just by the street and waving at me with those happy smiles of theirs! Giyu has friends he longed for and Sanemi and Genya are getting along!"

"They all have what they lacked when they were alive! We lack things that even after years, we never got it!" Y/n adds, tears streaming down her face.

"I just want to see them again--!!!

"Eh? Y/n-san? Why are you crying?"

A lump grows on Y/N's throat, her eyes wide as tears continued flowing down her cheeks like a river.


"Oh geez, did Inosuke insult you again? I'm gonna seriously beat that guy up"

Y/n scanned the vicinity in great confusion. The purple wisteria flowers could be seen around. Confusing her more than ever.

"What?! I didn't even do anything!--

"Are you sure about that?"

Y/N's brows furrowed at the scene infront of her and immediately stepped back. She knows on just what place and time this is, it was when she had decided to join Tanjiro, leaving Yushiro at Tamayo.

"W-what's happening?" She mumbled confusedly. "How are you guys here...?"

"Are you spacing out again, Y/n? You really need to stop doing that" Zenitsu scolded, crossing his arms as his sparrow 'chu'd' in return.

"Leave her be Zenitsu" Tanjiro chuckled lightly. "Maybe she misses Yushiro"

"What the fuck is--

Suddenly, Y/n falls to the ground with a loud thud. The lung in her lungs was pushed out so suddenly that she had almost forgotten how to breathe.

Clawing at her throat, she panicked. She kept writhing until she calm down. Panting heavily on the floor, she could the hurried footsteps from outside

The door opens loudly.

"Y/n!!!" Yushiro yelled out, quickly looking around the house.

"I-Im here!" She groaned, slowly sitting up.

As his gaze lands on her weak form, he quickly sprints to her and embraces her. "I-I saw her again, Y/n! Tamayo!" He sobbed out.

His tears falls on her head, his embrace tightening. "I don't know what just happened b-but I saw her!"


"I just want to see them again--!!!

Yushiro's eyes widen when the scene infront of him suddenly changes.

The modern room turned into the room he resided in back at the Taisho era. . .with Tamayo and once with Y/n. . .

The familiar look of the room loomed nostalgia. His breathes turned heavy once he finally remembered the place he once resided in.

"W-when did I-- "

"Yushiro?" Tamayo asks, coming into the room with a worried look on her face. "Are you alright?" She asks, coming over to him.

Yushiro stared at her, agape. He couldn't believe it. Has his eyes failed him after years? No.

His hands trembled and yearned to embrace his master only to stop dead in his tracks.

"Y/n. . .where's Y/n?" He asks himself. He quickly looked around. "W-where's Y/n?" The boy asks the lavender eyed lady.

"Y/n, where is she?" Yushiro pressed, urgency could be heard from his voice which surprised Tamayo.

"Didn't you say that she joined Tanjiro? Have you perhaps forgotten it so quickly?" Tamayo asks, confused.

He shook his head and immediately walked away. "I have to find Y/n--

Yushiro pauses as he sees the scene infront of him change, and he was back. His brows furrowed as he looked around. He was near the park and got confused. He wasn't there when the 'thing' happened. Shaking His head, he quickly ran to their house.

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