Chapter 15

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"Sage." I heard a gentle voice say. I slowly started to wake up and groaned. "Sage!" The voice said more loudly.

"What?" I asked grumpily. Flipping over and pulling on my pillow so that it was covering my ears.

"Time to get up! You told me to wake you if you slept through your first alarm." Melody said, shaking me slightly. She's an early riser apparently, so I asked her to wake me.

"Ugh what time is it?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"9:15, so get up!"

"Shit!" I rolled off my bed and quickly grabbed my toilet tree bag and went to the shared bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth, then got dressed. I walked back into my room and saw Melody putting her makeup on. She doesn't have class until 10:45, so she had plenty of time. "Thanks for waking me up, I'll see you later!" I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I have 3 classes on Monday and Wednesday, then on Tuesday and Thursday I have 2 classes. My first class of the day is a Watercolor class, which I am very excited about.

I got there a bit early, but most of the class was already there. I scanned the room and found an open seat between a guy and a girl, and sat down.

I decided to just scroll through my phone until the class started, but was interrupted by the guy next to me.

"Hey I'm Foster." He said with a smirk. I noticed his piercing green eyes and short black hair.

"Hi, I'm Sage." I said politely.

"You a Freshman?" I just nodded my head, too tired to interact with people. "I could tell, I would've noticed a beautiful girl like you around here."

I really tried to hold in the laugh that was trying to escape me after he said that, but I just couldn't. I put the tips of my fingers over my mouth hoping to control my laughter. That drew the attention of a few people. Foster's smirk disappeared and he looked slightly embarrassed.

"Oh god, that was funny." I admitted out loud.

"Yeah I could tell."

"What universe did you think that would work in?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're feisty, I like it." He grinned.

Thankfully the teacher walked in, saving me from the rest of this conversation. "Good morning everyone, I'm Christina Goodman, but most of my students call me Mrs. G." She said with a big smile. She seemed like a cool teacher and was young too, probably in her early 30s.

She just went over the syllabus and gave us a supply list of what we'll need for the semester. Mrs. G talked about what to expect and what we'll get out of this class.

This is a two and a half hour class, but since it was the first day we got out early. She dismissed us and I got up and left.

"Hey, wait up!" Foster said as he jogged up to me. I mentally sighed, and kept walking in silence. He didn't seem to get the hint. "Would you like to grab some coffee with me sometime?"

"Not interested." I walked into the student center and stood in line for a smoothie.

As I stood in line I saw a cute girl behind the register glance up at me. She has long beautiful red hair that's clearly natural, that is up in a high ponytail. We made eye contact and she quickly looked away. She looked up at me again and I smiled, causing her to smile as well. I noticed a small blush appear on her cheeks.

"Careful she's got a thing for the ladies." Foster said from beside me clueless.

"Noted." It was my turn to order and I walked up. I felt Foster's presence behind me. Why is he so annoying?

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