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Chapter 3

**2 Weeks Later**


I walk downstairs for breakfast and see Devin, Blake and Drew sitting at the table, while Jayk cooks breakfast. I sit down with the boys. "Good morning guys,"
"Morning," They all reply.
"Are you excited?" I ask.
"Why would you ask that?" Drew says.
"Jade's getting out of the hospital today. After we're done eating we can get ready and pick her up." I tell them.
"We don't have to eat, let's go" Devin says, running upstairs. We all laugh, "Yeah we don't have to eat," Says Blake.
"We can eat later," Drew says. They both run up the stairs, tracing Devin's footprints. I walk over to Jayk, "Hey man, are you coming to pick up your sister with us?"
"No I'm not feeling well." He replies.
"You sure?" I ask. He nods his head.

**In the car **

Devin's P.O.V

"Are we there yet?" I ask. I cant wait to see Jade!
"Yup, we're here!" T.C says, as we pull into the hospital parking lot. We head into the familiar section of the hospital. I see T.C go to the front desk, probably to confirm that we're here to pick her up. I pick up my pace, anxious to see her. I turn around to make sure the rest of the guys are following me and see Blake and Drew huddled together, whispering. They finish their 'meeting' and approach me.
"Soooo do you like Jade?" Blake asks me.
"Who told you that?" I ask, calmly.
"No one needed to, it's pretty obvious." Drew replied. T.C finally comes and saves me.
"Okay let's go see her!" T.C says.

️Jades P.O.V

The nurse told me yesterday that the guys would come to pick me up today. I was waiting on my bed, (watching a dramatic soap opera on the TV that I had come to love) when the guys walk in. "Jade!" They all yell, upon walking through the door. "How are you feeling, Princess?" Blake asks me.
"I'm alright, I missed you guys a lot!" I tell them.
"Don't worry we're here now." T.C says and gives you a hug. I look around and notice that my brother isn't here. "Uh where's Jayk?" I ask.
"Oh he's not feeling well." T.C explains.
I sigh, "Of course."

** At home **

We get home and I sigh in delight, "Ah, home sweet home." T.C picks me up and carries me to my room, he puts me on my bed and sits down beside me. "So are you feeling better Beautiful?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm feeling a lot better thanks." I say.
"So I've noticed that you never really talk to Devin, is there a reason why?" T.C asks.
"Oh no not really, he never talks to me so I just never think of talking to him." I explain. Shit, I don't want him knowing that I like Devin. "Okay well if it's alright with you, when I'm not here, Devin can take care of you and sometimes Blake and Drew." He offers.
"Yeah sure that would be fine." I tell him

** Night time ***

I sit in my room alone, thinking about things. Why doesn't Jayk care about me? I'm his sister, he's supposed to love and care for me. "I hate my life!" I yell. All of a sudden, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say. The door opens and behind it, stands Devin. I give him a little wave. "Hey is everything okay?" He asks me.
"Oh yeah thanks I'm just bored." I tell him.
"Oh well I'm bored too, Blake and Drew are asleep and T.C and Jayk went to a party so its just you and me. I nod my head, Devin turns to walk out. "Wait Devin!" I call out. He turns back around, "Yeah?"
"Will you stay with me for a bit?" I ask him.

Devin's P.O.V

I smile, "Yeah sure." I walk over to her bed and sit down beside her. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" She asks.
"Yeah sure" I say again.
"What movie? Your pick." She says. I think for a minute, and then say, "How about Annabelle?"
"Oh no I hate scary movies." She whines.
I laugh a bit, "It's okay I'm here to protect you."

As we watch the movie, she keeps looking away in fear. "Aah!" She screams and pulls the covers over her head. I scoot closer to her and pull her close to me. "Shh it's okay don't worry." She snuggles up to me, resting her head on my chest. Ten minutes later she's asleep in my lap. I stare at her smiling, she's so beautiful. I laugh because I realize my leg's asleep and I can't get up. The movie ended half an hour ago but I don't want to wake her so I just watched TV. I hear Jayk and T.C get back around 1:00am. I turn off the T.V and drift off to sleep, with Jade still in my lap.
I awoke to a knock on the door at 7:00am. I rubbed my eyes and saw all the boys staring.

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