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Chapter 2

️Jades P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off and hit snooze. I drift off to sleep but to no surprise, I'm awoken again by the boys yelling my name. I open my eyes, annoyed, and go downstairs. "You have to start waking up earlier, you're always slowing us down." Jayk says to me. I roll my eyes and give him an annoyed look. I walk over to the couch and sit down. From the corner of my eye I see Blake and Drew whispering. They walk over and sit on either side of me. "What's wrong?" Drew asks.
"Jayk! Jayk's the problem just like always." I say, tearing up. Blake puts him arm around me. "What about him? What happened?" He asks. My lip starts quivering, I'm trying so hard not to cry but I can't do it anymore. I start crying, tears running down my face. Blake lifts me up and puts me on his lap. He wraps his arms around me, "Everything's gonna be okay."


I get out of the shower and get dressed. I walk downstairs to see Jade sitting on Blake's lap, crying. "Why is the beautiful Jade crying?" I ask, loudly. "JAYK", Blake and Drew say. "I just told her that she has to get up earlier cause she slows us down, she's such a baby. Go to your room Jade." Jayk says. I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve this.

️Jades P.O.V

"Jayk I don't want to go up stairs," I say.
"Go upstairs and stop crying." Jayk says firmly.
"GET OFF BLAKES LAP AND GO UPSTAIRS." Jayk screams. I hear everyone gasp. I start crying but I don't care anymore, I run out of the room, and up the stairs. But I miss a step and fall back down.


I hear a big thud and run over to the stairs. I see Jade, she's not moving but there's a puddle of blood beneath her. I run over to her and pick her up, not caring about the blood staining my clothes. "Drew!" I yell, "Get the car started! Blake help me bring her to the car!" I look around to see Jayk standing there in shock. "Jayk!" I yell, "Are you coming?" He nods his head. we start to walk to the car but we're interrupted by a happy Devin walking in. "Oh sorry everyone I was just taking my daily walk, so where are we all off to in a rush?" We don't even answer him, Jayk drags him out the door and pushes him in to the car. Devin sits in the back with Jade, finally realizing what was happening. I see him take off his flannel, he wraps it around Jade to stop the bleeding. "Dev, isn't that your favourite flannel?" I ask him.
"It doesn't matter anymore." He says.

**At the hospital**

Jades been in the room for an hour and she's still not out yet. Jayk's crying, while we all try to comfort him. "It's all my fault! I know I've been an ass but I love her to death. She's the best sister in the world, I couldn't live without her." Jayk says. Devin walks up to me, "Hey T.C can we talk, alone?" He asks.

Devin's P.O.V

"Hey T.C, so I'm really confused about why's happening right now. I came back from my morning walk and nobody told me anything, all I know is that Jades bleeding and Jayk thinks it was his fault." I say.
"Well, Jayk was being a jerk to Jade and she hasn't been taking it really well. This morning, Jayk was being rude and screamed at her to go upstairs. She was really upset and ran out of the room, I'm guessing she fell down the stairs somehow cause I found her at the bottom of the stairs, head first." T.C explains.
I was in shock, nobody cared to tell me anything. "Wow I didn't know that, she hardly talks to me. But I know what she's like, she's amazing, beautiful, sweet, oh sorry I'll stop now. But uh T.C can I tell you something?" I ask.
"Sure thing."
"Well I like Jade, I've liked her ever since I've joined the band. She's just so perfect and I kinda think I'm falling in love with her. But the thing is she probably doesn't like me back or even know I exist." I say.
"Aww that's so cute, I'll try to hook you guys up but don't break her heart or I'll break you." He says, laughing.
"I promise, Mr. Bossy Pants." I say playfully. We walk back to everyone else, to see what's happening.

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