Chapter 1

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Britain ran.

He ran for who knows how long.

He didn't want to stop.

It kept on controlling him.

He kept on controlling him.

"E-Empire, s-stop..." Britain dropped on his hands and knees.

He didn't know where he was, nor did he want to. The trees overhanging ahead of him seemed to be mocking him. The long, claw-like branches reaching out to him, looking like they wanted to grab him by the neck and suffocate him to death. Britain wanted that to happen honestly, it's not like anyone would notice he was gone.

"Why should I?" The Empire side of him asked gleefully.

"It h-hurts." He said, placing his hand off the dry dirt ground to look at his dirty and bruised palm. He knew he sounded pathetic, but what else was there to say? 'Aye mate it's a bit rude to make me go through unbearable pain innit?'?

He knew he was going to take over. So he was nothing but British Empire. The red lines from the side of the red cross would disappear. Britain would disappear. And he would've been fine with that, considering the excruciating pain he's in, barely letting him speak. His voice cords feel like they've been ripped out. But then he remembered his kids. His country. What would they think? They were the only people who payed any attention to him. But now? They're in trouble. He remembered the words Empire told him.

"I'll get revenge on you and your family"

But what could he do? He was already eating him up. Devouring his soul, until there was no trace of him, other than his clothes. What are the people of his country going to face? No no no this can't happen. Not again. Empire has already done enough in the past.

"Y-you s-should s-stop bec-ause..." he was struggling to speak. He already felt the corners of his vision fade into black. Everything around him turn fuzzy. He was light headed. He wiped his sweaty face with the palm of his hand and stared at the bloody hand. Fuck. He cut it on some glass. It was fuzzy, but he could make out the slowly spreading scarlett liquid spread across his hand. He started to cry silently. He didn't want anyone to hear. He didn't want anyone to come. He was already done for.

"Just stop trying dear brother." Said the Empire mockingly.

Britain started breathing more heavily and he struggled to breathe. He felt like his lungs were blocked, not letting him breathe. His arms and legs gave way under him and he fell onto the ground face down, letting out his final words beofre he let the darkness consume his vision.

M-m-mother w-wouldn't be happy."

The Empire just grinned as he looked at the palms of 'his' hands.

"She was useless anyways."



Hiyya and welcome to the first chapter of my second book!:D

Hope you're enjoying it so far:)

Well that's all I needed to say

Bye my lovelies!

Broken Elevator: 2 Souls In 1- ||BritSov Countryhumans||- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now