Chapter 11

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"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of... England." Vatican looked at England's face, emotionless and cold. Another death? He knew that England had problems but, he never thought he would actually do it. Now he just laid there, flat on his back, in his coffin. Waiting to be buried underground and soon forgotten about.

Vatican shook his head a bit, shaking those thoughts out of his head, before continuing.

The rest of the visitors there all had the same expression. Dull, and some, having no emotion at all. Silence just crowded the room, with the exception of the country's quiet breathing.

Scotland was there, all in black, like everyone else. He had no emotions left in him. It didn't mean he was emotionless. It just meant he didn't feel like having them, like he didn't want to spoil the tension that they had. It was almost comforting, but in a way you never want it to. He didn't want to breathe too softly, or too normally. He felt everyone's eyes were on him, and if he did anything out of the norm at that moment, then it was game over.

Ireland noticed this. He too felt like eyes were also on him, watching his every move. Did he feel guilty for England's death? Why yes- yes he did. He was a good person. That's one fact down. Even though his past self wasn't the best, he still managed to be a decent country in the end, even if he doesn't have the best relationship with Scotland.

Scotland felt a itching feeling that he wanted to say something, to break the tension out of nowhere.

"Wonder what his last words were." Were what he mumered under his breath. It was quiet, but he soon regretted his decision.

"What am I even doing?" England whispered to the knife in his hand, "I can't. I just can't."

He lowered the knife, hearing quick foot steps from the distance.

"But you can," A voice echoed in his mind, "he would be happy to see you dead, just try and you'll see."

"N-no I..."

"Why won't you just do it? You've been trying all these years. All for what? Nothing changed England. Everyone sees you for what you were before, and nothing can change that. The damage is done."


England then found himself violently swiping the knife back and forth across his wrist, going deeper and deeper. He didn't care, those thoughts kept haunting him. He wanted them to go away. The pain didn't bother him anymore. He then started doing it to his other wrist, and soon enough, he crashed onto the floor.

"I-I'm sorry."

Scotland shook his head a few times, trying to get the image out of his head. But he couldn't.

"Are you okay Scotland?" Ireland whispered.

"I'm leaving, sorry." Scotland left through the wide doors without anyone noticing.

He then broke into a run, he couldn't stand the image.

"Why? HOW did that happen? Why am I getting those images when I didn't see how the death even happened...?" He stopped. Then he thought about it, "Empire said he'll never let England be assigned or rebirthed into anyone else again. So that means..."

Scotland put 2 and 2 together.

"He's technically Scotland now," Scotland said to himself, not quite believing it, "that means our countries will be the same. That means I'll be him as well as me."

Scotland then felt a pain in his wrist. He pulled up his sleeve and what do you know, you have yourself a thin cut.

Scotland pulled it back down and sat on a tree stump, pondering the decisions he may have to make. But then he saw Ireland run up to him.

"Scotland please tell me what's wrong! I know England died but-"

"Ireland, I'm sorry but, I don't know what to do anymore." Said Scotland, putting his head in his hands.

"I heard what he said. You need to find a way to bring England back." Ireland said, sitting on the ground next to him.

"But I can't do it by ourselves. And what did he mean by 'the clocks ticking'?"

Ireland thought.

"He probably meant that he's going after us too, or something else."

"Makes sense."

Thy both thought for a minute.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be at someone's funeral or somethin'?" America asked, coming out of nowhere with Russia and USSR.

"Yes, but something's wrong." Scotland said, standing up.

America's eyes widened.

"Let's go to Russia's house to discuss it then." America said importantly.

Russia just rolled his eyes, and USSR just being usual USSR. But they were on to something he believed would work, he wouldn't give up on Britain.


"When are these idiots going to realise what I'm trying to do?" British Empire said to all his puppets, with the new addition of England, "don't worry, it'll take some time, but they'll realise soon enough."

"Until then, I'm going to try and make some progress." Britain said. He'd been trying to take control over his body but it wasn't working. What was he missing? What did British Empire do that he wasn't doing? Or doing good enough? He'll find out soon enough.



Oh how the tables have turned

Yeah that's all I wanted to say

Bye my lovelies!


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