Chapter 13

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This is a the past if you wanted to know, so enjoy that:)


"Mother!" Britain stumbled towards his mother with his arms outstretched ahead of him.

"Yes my dear?" His mother said, heaving him up on her knee. They sat on a fancy throne-like chair in a palace-like mansion. It had paintings in every room with gold encrusted frames, daily polished floors that sparkled, and posh clothing for their time.

"Dad left for work. But he gave me ice cream before he left!" Britain said excitedly.

"And did you finish it already?" His mother asked, stroking his hair lovingly as she spoke.

"Yea!" Britain said proudly, holding up his bare hands.

"Sweetheart you have chocolate on your face!" She said, giggling a little as she rubs it off with her thumb. Britain giggled as well and hugged his mother tightly.

"Why won't brother play with me?" He asked his mother.

His mother frowned.

"Don't worry dear, he's probably just busy." She said reassuringly. But Britain just looked at her with his wide curious eyes.

"But then he's always busy?"

"I'll go talk to him okay love?" She said, putting Britain off her knees slowly.

"...okay mother." He said, but then he gave her one of his contagious smiles that could warm anyone's heart.

His mother smiled warmly back and walked out of the room into the hallway.

She sighed and pulled her dress up by the side. She then heard a kitchen drawer opening in the distance.

What is he doing? She thought, speedwalking her way to the kitchen, where she was greeted with Empire holding a knife in admiration.

"Dear what are you doing?" She said in a panicky tone. She walked towards and tried taking the knife from him, but he used the knife as defence.

"Ha! Now who will take care of the favourite child now?" He said with malace,

"You know I don't-" she started.

"Yes. YOU. DO." He said in pure fury as he swiped the knife back and forth in front of her face.

"Empire, your father will not like this!" She said quickly, reaching for the door.

"But he hates you, admit it! He left forever! He told me himself." He said, stepping closer every second.

"R-really? No no no..." his mother backed out of the room.

"Oh no you don't." The Empire ran towards with impossible speed and pounced on his mother, digging the sharp blade deep into her heart.

She stumbled back, grasping onto the handle of the knife in sheer terror.

Blood spilled out from all sides, spreading across the clean floor.

"W-w-wh-y?" She choked, eventually crashing onto the floor with a soft thud in excruciating pain.

"NO ONE EVER GIVES ME ENOUGH ATTENTION! I DESERVE MORE! IT'S ALWAYS BRITAIN THIS, BRITAIN THAT," He said angrily, stabbing her in the same spot over and over again, hearing her cry in agony every time, "NOW WE'LL SEE WHO WILL TAKE OVER WHEN YOU'RE GONE!" He said happily.

Broken Elevator: 2 Souls In 1- ||BritSov Countryhumans||- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now