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Sami: Heya Pups. Are you all enjoying the regular updates and chapters? I hope you are!

Bakugo: Who are you talking to!?

Sami: people

Everyone: *thinking* so vague

Sami: anyway, today's chapter is called "Child?" There is nothing written about this, except for that Eri is 3.

Izuku PoV-

"Sweetie come here please."

"Coming Papa."

Eri yelled out to me from her room. She ran into the kitchen with a confused and excited look on her face.

"Sit down and eat breakfast, then we need to go get ready for school, okay?"

"Okay Papa."

She sat down at the table as I put a plate of eggs and toast on the table. We both ate quickly and then went to our separate bedrooms to dress for school. She looked adorable.

With her hair like this.

I was wearing this.

We were both ready to walk to UA. Well I walk, carrying her in my arms.

We arrived at the front of UA. I put her down and held my hand out to her, she took it and we started to walk to Class 1A.

We got to class, I picked Eri up and walked to my desk, the entire class was silent, I could feel everyone staring at us, Eri was shaking.

"Can you all stop looking at us please, you're upsetting my daughter."






"YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!?" Erupted from the class.


"Oi nerd, is she your biological kid?"

"Yes, Eri is my biological daughter and please stop scaring her."

I said, waiting for them to start asking about how I have a biological daughter when I'm only 16. Just as they all started to open their mouths to ask me about Eri, Aizawa-Sensai walked in.

"Alright class se- Midoriya why do you have a child on your lap?"

"She's my daughter sir."


"She is my daughter, her mother left her with me, my mum is dead, my dad is in prison, I have no other family who could take care of her. My friends can't babysit her because they have to work, and I'm not sending her to daycare because I don't want her getting taken again. She has to stay with me."

The class looked completely shocked at that, Aizawa-Sensai more so than the others.

"Who is the mother?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Ughh. I got drunk at a party, had one night with a random girl there, she got pregnant, this was 3 years ago, and then about a year ago Eri got left at my house, with a note saying
"Thanks for nothing, its your bastard of a child so it's your problem now. Don't come looking for me."
She obviously wasn't happy, but I don't remember it happening and she never told me her name so yeah, I don't know who her mother is."

During me saying that, Eri had turned around and buried her head into my chest, she was now shaking and crying. I hugged her tighter and started whispering to her

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I know you hate me talking about her, I'm sorry."

"Well Midoriya. I'm sorry about that but are you sure you can't put her in daycare?"

"Eri is not going back in there. She got taken from their once and I refuse to let her get taken again, I don't trust daycare staff. They left her alone and she got taken by Overhaul, remember that bastard?"

"Oh, yes. I apologize I didn't know about that. Is there any friends she can stay with?"

"I told you, they all have work during the day. Also they are the ones who got me drunk and hooked me up with the girl."

"Ah. Family members?"

"Mum is dead. My grandparents are dead. I have no aunts, uncles or cousins. Father is in prison."

"What is he in prison for?"

"Umm. He caused the end of All Might."

"Your father is All for One?"

"Yeah. I am not happy about it trust me. He killed my mum as well. I assure you I hate him with all my heart."

"She can stay."

3rd Person PoV-

And that is how the next three years went. Midoriya bringing Eri to school everyday. However at the start of second year, another child appeared. About 3 months old, male and named Tadashi. The same questioning as the year before happened, and it was revealed that Tadashi was also Midoriya's Biological son, but this time he knew who the mother was. Momo Yaoyorozu. At some point during first year, they hooked up, nine months later and they have son. After Tadashi was born, Momo told Midoriya and they talked it out and started dating. In 17 years, Izuku Midoriya had gained two small children and a family in class a. Not bad for a short life.


Sami: So that happened. What did you think?

Midoriya: Yaoyorozu, Eri and Tadashi? Umm. I'm gay.

Yaoyorozu: So am I.

Eri: I don't have a papa.

Aizawa: Yes you do.

Present Mic: Yeah little listener.

Todoroki: *muttering* I was right, I was right. *out loud* Is Shinso your son as well?

Aizawa: ummyeah

Todoroki: I KNEW IT!

Sami: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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