His Mind

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Sami: Heya Pups. This one is going to be sad, just a heads up. Trigger Warning includes depression, anxiety, self harm, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide. I'm sorry.

Everyone: Who is this one about?

Sami: ...... Bakugo Katsuki.


Bakugo PoV-

"Bakugo, you need to go into a therapy session. It will be decided at the end of it whether or not you need to go to more."

Why do I need to go into Therapy? There is nothing wrong with me. Not physically anyway so how does the school know?

Because you're weak and obvious

Shut up.

Why should I? You know I'm right.

No, You're wrong. I'm not weak and I'm not obvious.

"Bakugo are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay, I'm fine."

"If you say so. You need to go to Recovery Girls office on Thursday, 11am for your session."

"If I must."

~Time Skip~Therapy Session~

"Bakugo, Please tell us everything that's on your mind..."

Oh shit. They used a quirk on me, fucking great.

"Where should I begin?"

"When everything started."

"I'm weak. I couldn't protect Izuku from the bullies so I bullied him aswell. Ever since then I've had this voice in the back of my head talking to me. Saying things about me."

"What does the voice say?"

"It tells me that in worthless,that people praise my quirk and not me. That I'm weak, that I'm a disappointment. My parents hate me, everyone in school hates me. I hate me. He tells me that I should stop eating. That every mouthful of food I eat is a waste. He tells me to cut myself. To hurt myself to make things better. He tells me to stop trying, that I should die. I tried to die. They wouldn't let me. Everyone thinks I have a superiority complex but I just have anxiety that makes me want to be better than people even though I know that I never can be. I know that I will never be enough and that I should just die."

"Can you show me your wrists, Bakugo?"

I put out my wrists for them to see. On my right wrist is just cuts, scars and burns. On my left however is words that I carved into my arm.





He'll never love you







The therapists eyes widened.

"Bakugo ......"

"Save it." I said walking out. "There is no need for me to be here any longer."

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