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( Hey! So I just want to say that there will be some swearing in this chapter. I will try to add warnings for as much as I can, but just know that swearing will be part of these books. Continuing the story!)

" Evening. We need you to answer some questions," 

My heart dropped. " About?" I asked. " Can we come in?" The first cop asked. I nodded slowly, opening the door more. " Go sit down on the couch, I need something from my room," I said, jogging to my room. I walked in and saw Jamie sitting there. I pointed to the window. " So sorry," I said quietly. He nodded and jumped out of the window. I walked back to the couch. They were looking around. " This is still my house," I said. " Please sit," He said. I sighed and sat down. They sat across from me. 

" We got a call today that the killer was out there near you. Please explain," The second cop said. I rested my head on my palm. " Okay I saw him today. He was walking past the school.He scared us, but let us go. I've spent the past few hours trying to distract myself and then you all come here," I grumbled. " I'm sorry Ms. Walker," The first cop said. " Wait... How do you know my last name?" I asked, suddenly uncomfortable. " Lily. Your mom sent us. This isn't about the call. We need to talk," The second man said. I ran to the kitchen. They followed. I grabbed the biggest knife we had and pointed it at them.

They didn't stop. " Back. The. Fuck. Up!" I yelled. They stopped. " Please calm down," the first man said. " Why should I?" I asked. " Because we have your mother on the other side of the phone," The second man said. I froze. " Mom?" I called out. They pulled out a tablet. My mother was on the other side. " Honey listen to them please," She said. I glared at her. " Why did my mom call?" I asked coldly. " Because I found muddy footprints in your room Lily!" Mom said loudly. I growled. " SO? They could've been mine!" I said loudly. " NO LILY! They were large men sized boots!" She said. " So what? You found out that I have a little friend coming here? SO!" I shouted. " After that Lily, I put cameras in your room. And guess what? I FOUND YOU LAUGHING AND TALKING WITH A KILLER!" She screamed at me. I felt hurt. 

" And I don't want to loose my daughter to a psycho!" She said. I glared daggers at everyone. " So what? He was the only person there for me after Toby went missing," I hissed. Mom's turn to look hurt. " Lily... I-" " Don't you DARE say that you were there for me!"I cut her off. " Ms. Walker that is enough!" The first man said. " I CALLED AMELIA ONCE MOM! ONCE!" I yelled again. " NOW IF YOU DON'T MIND, I'M GOING!" I shouted and tried to leave, but the first man held me back. I struggled. " Ms. W-AHH," I stabbed the knife in his arm. He dropped me and I ran. Oh I RAN!

I almost fell down the stairs. Tears streamed down my face. I ran and ran. I soon made it to the woods. I continued running. Soon I stopped and leaned against a tree. I started sobbing. " Lily?" A soft voice came. I turned and saw.... " TOBY!" 

OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! WOWIE! Well... cliffhanger.... See you all soon! - Sophie <3

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