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( Warning. This story can get brutal, gory, and sad at parts. Read with caution. Bullying included)

17 years ago

" Give me my baby. Please!" A woman said to the doctor. " Ma'am. Please understand. I know you want to see your baby. You've been asking for 2 days straight. But please. This is a first in medical history and we need to find answers," The doctor said. The woman crossed her arms. " I don't care! Please..." She said. The doctor sighed. " follow me," he said. The woman walked with the doctor to a special room you needed a key card to get into. In there, there was a glass window. When the woman looked through, she gasped. Was that... her baby? She looked at the doctor and back to the child. He wore a hospital gown with bare feet. The one thing that stood out on the child, were the glowing red eyes. He stood straight up. He had dark brown hair.. a lot of it. Teeth were in points. The woman fainted.

13 years ago

The mother and her child drove to the hospital. Every few weeks, this child has a check up. The mother grabbed her child's hand and the two walked into the lobby. They checked in and then left with a nurse they knew too well. She smiled and walked with the two until they got to the door. She unlocked it and the mother and child walked in. " Mommy. Why do I keep coming here?" The child asked innocently. The mother crouched down to her son's level and smiled lightly. " You are... a special boy Toby. And we come here, just to make sure you are healthy and safe," The woman said. Toby nodded and walked with his mother. The mother lied. Well, kinda. The real reason they went there was to run tests and see what prescriptions to give the boy. He had a special made pill to keep him mostly under control. This 4 year old boy... Only few know of his... condition. Toby sat on his medical bed and they waited for the doctor to come into the room.

11 years ago ( Warning: gore)

" POLICE! OPEN UP!!" A man shouted and pounded at the door. They soon busted down the door. They heard sobs from upstairs. They quietly walked up. When they walked in, they almost fainted. There was blood. All over the walls. A woman's head, hung on the wall. And a little boy, sitting in the middle of the room in a ball. His clothes were torn and bloody. One cop walked towards the boy with caution. He crouched down to his level. " Bud... What happened?" he asked softly. The boy looked up. " Mommy... I hurt mommy!!" he sobbed. The cop froze. A little boy.. did this? Oh lord no. He took the boy's hand gently. " What is your name?" he asked. " T-Toby," the boy whined. He cop walked him out of the room, and to the ambulance. 

9 years ago 

Ever since the incident, Toby had become quiet. Police decided that it wasn't Toby who killed Mary Chase, but a homicide. Police had tried to put clues together. They thought that Toby might've been caught up in the incident, and he then blamed himself. They were DEAD wrong... Toby had been 6 years old. He had gotten afraid of something. He then got angry. His mother tried to calm him down, but he exploded. He... Well... killed her. When everything wore off, he was heartbroken. The one person he loved that loved him back... He killed. Ever since then, Toby had been doing therapy and has been going to the hospital every day. Since he had no relatives of any kind, he was put in an orphanage. The hospital had been like a second home to the poor boy. 

5 years ago

Toby has been living with the Jones family for 2 years. This 12 year old boy just wanted love. Instead he was beaten, starved, and bullied. He was numbed by everything he forgot about his 'gift'. This was the first day of 7th grade. Toby looked down and walked through the  hallways. People would giggle at him quietly. Toby ignored them. When he walked into the office to get his new schedule, there was a girl. She had her long brown hair in pigtails. She wore braces and she had glasses. She wore a black hoodie and blue jeans. Her white converse shoes stood out.  He blushed a little. She thanked the girl at the front desk and walked away. He shook it off and got his schedule.

At the end of the day, Toby started walking home. Then a group of three kids walked up to him and shoved him down. Who were those kids you ask? Well, no other then Jessica, barley, and James. " Not today guys," Toby said. " Why?" James asked, picking Toby up by the collar of his shirt. " BACK OFF!" A voice yelled. We all turned. That girl from earlier was there. Barley smirked. " Awww is it brace face?" Barley asked. The girl growled, then smirked. " Wasn't your name barley?" She asked. " Yeah, Why?" Barley sneered. " Oh! Wow! I've wanted to meet the grain for the longest time!" She said. " Why you!" Barley yelled and charged. The girl ended up winning the fight. The three ran away. Toby looked over at the girl. Her nose was bleeding. She growled and then looked over at the poor Toby. She walked over and gave me her hand. She smiled. " You alright?" She asked. " Y-Yeah. Why did you do that? They'll be after you too," he said shyly. She nodded and faced the direction the ran off. " Well... No one deserves to be bullied. By the way, my name is Lily," She said, putting her hand out. Toby took it. " I'm Toby," He said. She shook their hands. " Good to meet you," She said.

3 months ago

I just got beaten down by my adoptive father. This time... I was over it. I stood slowly. I faced him and he looked terrified. I noticed a red tint in my shadow. His wife ran over and pointed a gun at me. I chuckled happily. I ended up killing them. I heard a shriek. I turned. My oldest cousin on that family's side had their camera out. I ran after them. I tackled them and killed them as well. I noticed the phone. I broke it. I then looked around. I found a mask that was my mother's before... Well. I took it and put it on. I grabbed my white shirt, leather jacket, black jeans, combat boots, and a few knives from downstairs. I heard sirens in the distance. I sighed and then ran into the woods, going to start a new life...

WOOOOOOOO! So that was Toby's backstory! So... In my time it is 4:11 in the morning. I need sleep... So... I'm going to do that now... Goodnight my lovelies!!! - Sophie <3

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