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( you can listen in you want too)

Lily's POV

I woke up with a groan. I sat up and looked around. I was in my room. I heard soft snores. I looked over and saw my Mom sitting in a chair, sleeping. I then remembered. TOBY!! I shot up but fell right back down. There was a crinkle in my pocket. I pulled out a paper. 

Lily. I'm alright and I hope you are too. I asked Jamie to take you home. I met him a few hours before you were there. You passed out when I talked with you. Please. Don't come back to the woods. I'll visit when I need too. Please listen to me. I love you L.

                                                                                                             - Toby

I felt so confused. Wouldn't he want to see me? I sighed quietly and got up. I walked out of my room. I froze. Police sat on my couch. I felt my eye twitch. They saw me. I turned around and walked to my room. I walked over to my mom and shook her. She groaned and looked at me. " Lily! You woke up!" She said. I crossed my arms. " Oh. You need answers," She said. I raised an eyebrow. " Alright. Let's go," She said. She took my hand and we walked out to the couch. The cops moved and my mom sat me down. I stared a them all. " So... Ms. Walker," One said. I remembered stabbing him in his arm " Sorry about your arm," I mumbled. He shrugged. " Anyways. We need you to answer a few questions about... your friend," he said.  I sighed. " Ask away," I said. He cleared his throat. " How did you meet him?" One asked. " He said Hi," I said sarcastically. My mom pushed my shoulder and I rolled my eyes. " He appeared to me in dreams. Okay?" I said. I felt my mom's stares. 

" What did he do?"

" Kill," 

" Kill who?"

" Classmates. Strangers. Me," 

They all looked uncomfortable. " Why would he kill you?" One asked. " To scare me," I replied. " Why would he talk to you only?" The second cop asked. " I know Toby. He does too. Toby asked him to watch over me," I said sadly. After a few more questions they left. I walked back to my room and slammed the door. I slowly sat down on the floor. I huddled in a ball. I heard my window slide open. Jamie walked in. I locked my door and ran over to him. I clung onto him tightly. Jamie sighed. " I'm sorry about all of that Lily," He said. I then remembered the cameras. I let go and looked around my room. I found it on top of my closet, hidden under some stuffed animals. I grabbed it and chucked it out of the window. 

Tears. So many. Came to my eyes. I held my hand on my mouth and let some tears fall. Jamie walked over. He hugged my side. I choked a sob and turned to him. I hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He rubbed circles into my back. I whimpered, then looked into the eyes of his mask. " You're alright Lily," he said. I sighed, wiping a few tears. " Can we go somewhere? Anywhere?" I said. He tensed. " Now?" He asked. " I don't want to be stuck here like a caged animal," I said sadly. He sighed and grabbed my hand. " I have a spot," He said. We crept towards the window. I looked out. I live in a bad part of town, so not many people come by. We started climbing to the roof. When we got there, Jamie held me tightly. He started running. I giggled. We soon made it to an entrance to the woods. 

I smiled. I let go of Jamie and we started walking. Halfway through, our hands intertwined. I smiled a small smile. After about 30 minutes, we made it. I gasped. We stopped holding hands. It was an old lake. I smiled. I came here with Toby a lot of the time when we were back in Middle School. We walked over to the docs. I closed my eyes. It's peaceful. I then looked back at Jamie. He was crouching by the water. I walked over to him. " You alright?" I asked. He sighed and looked into his reflection. " I guess..." he said. I crossed my arms. He stood and looked at me. He put his hands into his jacket pockets. 

" Jamie?" I asked. He walked towards me. I was frozen in place. He stopped, a few inches in front of me. He got to my eye level. I stared at him. I could hear his ragged breathing. I got concerned. " Jamie why aren't you answering me?" I asked. He then reached for his mask. He lifted the bottom. I could see his lips. I was now freaking out on the inside. he slowly moved forwards... Closer... Closer....


I yelped. A gunshot. Jamie pulled away and threw his mask back down. There was a man, holding a rifle. He looked like a ranger. " Lily. Run. Now!" Jamie said sternly. " B-But-" " GO!" He said, pulling out a knife. I turned and started running into the woods. I hope Jamie will be alright....

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! Sorry I made you wait so long! Arg. Just a heads up, my grandma will be visiting ( Everyone has been social distancing and everyone is good) For a week. So... Adding chapters will be hard. I dunno. Well, see you later peeps!!! - Sophie <3

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