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3rd person POV

Lily talked with her father for the rest of the day. Toby trailed behind, making sure that they were fine. When the sun started to set, Lily's father told her that he would look for some hotels. She nodded and then walked into a corner while her father called places.

Toby's POV

" Psst. Toby," Lily whispered. I jumped down and softly landed. " Yeah?" He asked. " I need things from my Mom's apartment. Can you help with that?" She asked. I smiled. " Always," I said and jumped up onto the roof. I started running to Lily's apartment. Once I got there I slowly opened the window and crawled in. 

I crept towards her closet. There, a woman jumped at me, knife in hand. I leapt back and into a crouch. " What did you do to my daughter!?" She screamed, pointing the knife at me. I chuckled. She glared daggers. " The important question is what you did to lose her. She sent me to grab her belongings. So if you don't mind, I'm going to do that," I said. She looked at me, speechless. I grabbed her backpack and grabbed multiple outfits. I also grabbed her favorite stuffed animal. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. I growled and turned, facing the terrified woman. I grabbed my own knife and positioned it under her neck. " Touch me again and it won't end well," I whispered coldly. She nodded quickly. " Go," I said and shoved her out of the room. I closed and locked the door. She banged on it. I looked at my back in the mirror. She got a deep cut, but I've been through worse. 

I sighed and grabbed the bag. I took off my jacket and tied it around my back, putting pressure on it. ( A/N. I'm sorry I'm not good with medical things XD :,). Okie back to the book.) I grabbed the bag and walked out of the window. I winced. I started running, as fast as I could with my back, and found the location they were staying. Lily left the window open enough that I could get through. I slowly walked in, trying to make as little sound as possible. I gently placed the bag down. I walked back to the window, until a cold hand grabbed my wrist. I turned. It was Lily's father. I stared at him. My mask was on so it hid who I was. " You're.... him. Aren't you," he said. I slowly nodded. Then he noticed my back. His expression of confusion turned into worry. " Oh god! Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded once more. I tried to show I could move, but it ended up with me groaning in pain. Then, Lily walked out. 

" Oh goodness!" She said and ran over. She was in front of me. " Dad, can you help?" She asked. I saw panic in her eyes. " Lily. I'm fine. Really," I said. They both didn't believe me. " Sit. I work in the medical field," he said. I was about to argue, but one look from Lily told me otherwise. I slowly sat. Lily sat in front of me. Her father came back a few minutes later. He came out with a medical kit. I stared into Lily's eyes to try and distract me. " I need you to remove your shirt," he said. I slowly complied. I blushed out of embarrassment, but thankfully I had my mask. It saves the day sometimes. he then started his work. I winced... and yelped at some points. Lily grabbed my hand for reassurance. 

he was finished 20 minutes later. I was going to pick up my shirt, but her father stopped me. " I can give you one. I can wash the other one," he said. I nodded once more. He walked into his room and came back a few minutes later. It was a science pun T-shirt. He helped me put it on. One thing to know about me, I hate being vulnerable, but for some reason, I felt like I could trust these guys. 

I quietly thanked them and headed for the window. I waved and jumped down. I slowly made my way back to my tree house. I walked up and sighed, annoyed with Lily's mother.  I shook my head to get rid of the violent thoughts towards her. I then decided to get rest. After all, I am still human. At least, as far as I know. 

Lily's POV

I talked with my dad for a few hours before we both decided to hut the hey. I walked into my bedroom for the time being and got into Pajamas. I finished brushing my teeth and crawled into the covers. I closed my eyes and thoughts came into my head like a waterfall. Why did dad act so calm? Why did my mom lie to me? How long is school going to be out? I mean, they shut it down because of Toby's murders. Is water wet? Of course it is. Isn't it? I sighed. I focused my thoughts on one thing and then drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

1 week later

Lily's POV

I walked in the grocery store with my dad. We need groceries. I walked into the chip aisle when I saw a hooded figure. I recognized them immediately. " Hey!" I called out and walked over to Toby.  He smiled weakly. My father walked next to me. " Who is this?" he asked. " Oh this is... a friend from school," I said. My father nodded. " Pleasure to meet you," Toby said. My father nodded. " Well, I better be going," Toby said. I nodded and gave him a quick hug, making sure I was careful with his back. " Bye!" he said and quickly walked away. My father and I got our groceries and walked back to the hotel. Once they were put away, my father called me to the living room. 

" What's up?" I asked. " So when were you going to tell me that Toby was the killer on the loose?" he asked. I paled. Oh. Shit. 

~~~ You don't know how bad I wanted to make this a cliffhanger, but I thought about my uploading schedule and decided that it would be a bad idea. You're lucky!~~~~

" The T-shirt. You acted the same way last week when I stitched him up. Quiet, but really happy," He said. I smiled. " I guess. But please. I beg you. Do not tell the police. He... I'm helping him as much as I can. The murders have slowed," I said in a pleading voice. He smiled warmly and patted next to him on the sofa. 

" I won't. I'll give him a chance, but if something happens to you, I'm calling 911," He said. I nodded. " Thank you father," I said and hugged him. He hugged back. " Now I know you have been dying to see him. Go have fun," He said. I giggled. " Thanks dad! Love you!" I said as I grabbed my bag and left. " Love you too!" I heard him call back. 

SO. Here is the end of the chapter. I know. I know. You might be thinking, SOPHIE! JEEZ FIX THE SCHEDULE ALREADY! Or you might not care at all.... heh. * Nervous laughter*. And if the next chapter is posted at this point you might skip this part. Well. School. Yeah. It sucks, But I do feel grateful to be able to learn. But I'm curious. What's your hobby? let me know in the comments, I mean, You don't have to. I'm just a stranger from the internet. Anyways, I love you all and I hope you have a good day!

- Sophie <3

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