Chapter 9

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Sidharth heard the noise of something similar to the crackers being busted. He knew they were not crackers as they came from the front entrance, in the hall. No one will burn crackers in the hall of the Hotel. The alternative to the crackers was far more terrifying. His eyes immediately went to the entrance of the restaurant. He didn't listen to what Sana was talking. He rushed towards the door and there was a young staff covered in blood. Sid knew by now that something very serious is happening outside.

Sid asks the waiters and other staff to close the doors and all entry points to the restaurant immediately. He asks servers to go the kitchen to inform the chef and staff to close the entries. He rushes to get hold of the boy. He finds that the boy is not hurt but has the blood of somebody else's. He gives him a glass of water to drink and asks what has happened. He says," Three guys with backpacks and big guns entered the gate and started firing. Many are injured and killed.. I somehow rushed here.." They hear some more noises, shots being fired.

The most important responsibility now on Sid is to keep the guests calm and safe as the Hotel was under some kind of attack, Terrorist attack. He gets up and gathers the guests at one place and take them to the back of the room. He whispers ," I request you all to remain quite and calm for your own and every body else's safety It looks like the hotel is under some attacks. If we stay hidden until police arrives, we will be safe. Please cooperate with us." Although the customers are scared, they try to keep quite. He talks to the staff now," We have to make sure they don't come inside this restaurant. Please remain calm to keep the guests calm too. Take all the tables and chair to cover the entries. Switch off the lights. Come on fast."

He takes his phone out and calls police control room. He whispers,"Hello, I am calling from The Sartaj Hotel, we are under some kind of attack. There's a firing going on." From the other side," We have got the information. Where are you and how many of people are with you?" Sidharth replies," We are inside the Indian Spices Restaurant. I am manager here. There are about 35 to 40 guests and around 30 staff right now. We have closed the doors. " From the other side," You try to stay put. Police and security forces are at the gate. They will take you all out." The line gets disconnected.

Sid thinks about his mother and sister. Will he see them again today? He looks at the faces of the people around. Everyone has the same fear, fear of death. No he can't let them see fear in him. He needs to be strong for them. He whispers to everyone," Police and security forces are here. Soon they will take us out. Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen to you all. I promise." He looks around, there is one way that goes to outside directly without going through the main entrance. But it is not used any more so it is blocked. He need to get the guests out somehow. Those people can enter anytime. Doors won't stop them. He hears a blast and all guests shiver in fear. He signals all to keep quite.

He takes all the guests and staff into the kitchen and tell them to stay there. He advices the staff to give the guests water and take care of them. He along with three staff members go to the blocked door to try to open it. They try their best to open it but it is jammed. He whispers," Who has the key?" One of the servers says," I don't know may be it is with the chef. Let me ask. He leaves." Sid knows he can break it open but it will make noise. He has to think about something and quick. There isn't much time left. Anything can happen in this time. He pushes the door hard trying not to make any noise. It doesn't move an inch. He knows needs to put more force. The server comes back saying the keys are in the office. Sid uses his full force and it breaks down. He can see police a few metres away from the gate. He hears another round of firing near the door. He goes into the kitchen and tell the chef to take control to let out the customers through the back door. He asks two of staff members to come with him. They need to bolt the doors preventing anybody to enter till every one is out and safe.

As Sid tries to bolt the doors by putting the tables and chairs, he hears foot steps coming closer near the doors. He immediately pulls the two staff members down and he ducks too and a round of bullets go above their heads, making holes in the door. And while ducking under the table, Sid finds a girl under another table near by. He goes near her on his four. She is none other than Sana. She is sitting pulling her knees closer to her face. She is rocking herself and murmuring something. Sid goes near her and whispers," Hey, why are you here? Mam, hey.." But Sana is not listening to him. She is lost somewhere, her eyes red, drops of perspiration on her forehead, she is murmuring," Mama.... bachao... papa... Mama ko..papa..bachao.." Sid puts his hand on her shoulders and whispers," Mam..Sana..Sana" Sana looks up to him, her eyes filled with horror. Sid says," Hey, Sana it's me Siddy boy..Relax nothing will happen. You should go inside the kitchen with others." Sana furiously shakes her head and hugs him tightly and starts whimpering. Sid has to move every one out. He tells the staff to ensure every one gets out through the door he had opened. They leave and Sid turns to Sana. Firing continues and soon they will enter the restaurant. He has to move out along with Sana. He says," Listen Sana, we have to get out of here. It's not safe. You hold me and we will get out together. Okay." Sana nods still clutching Sid's shirt tightly as if her life depends on it. Just as they are about to get out, a blast happens and the door breaks into pieces. Sid pulls Sana into the corner as he finds two people entering with guns..

Everything is frictions..Hope you will feel the danger, fear and trill..
Lots of 💕💕💕

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