Chapter 34

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Sid holds Sana's hand to stop her from removing the pillow. He says," I might talk to you, listen to your crazy talks. But remember one thing, we can never come closer. This pillow will always remain like this. Always." Sana says, "Haye, tumhari problem kya hai? Pagal toh nahi no gaye ho? (What is your problem? Have you gone mad?)Why are you after the pillow? I want to remove it so that you can sleep comfortably." Sid says," I am not comfortable sleeping beside you, so it doesn't matter if there is a pillow between us. I hate your touch. Samjhi." Sana starts to get angry now. She kneels on the bed and picking up the pillow, she throws it on the floor. She says,"I said no pillow and that means no pillow." Sid looks at her and says,"Stop your childish drama." Sid picks up the pillow and puts it on the bed. Sana snatches it from him and says,"You hate my touch. I hate you. I hate you Sidharth." And she throws the pillow again on the floor. Sid holding her wrist says," Really. You hate me..Good for you. " Sid leaves her hand and gets up. Sana screams," If you are thinking about picking the pillow, I will throw it again. And I will keep doing that until you are tired." Sid looks at her and says,"You know what, do whatever you feel like. I don't care actually. I am not sleeping on that bed with you tonight." Saying that he goes and sits on the chair, putting his hands on his head. Sana is not leaving anything so easily. She gets down from the bed and goes near Sid. She tries to calm herself and says nicely," Sid I really don't get it. What exactly is your problem? Talk to me na." Sid doesn't reply or look at her.

Sana can't take anybody's attitude. She pulls Sid's sleeve and asks,"Itna attitude? Just talk to me, what problem do you have?" Sid just looks at her but does not make any effort to remove her hold or say anything. Sana continues, "Yaar, iska ajeeb hai? You were so nice to me earlier and suddenly you changed into this..khadoos avatar. I know you wanted to kiss me today and now suddenly my touch is causing you problems." Sid gets up and says,"No..I never wanted anything like that. Just leave me alone okay." Sana puts her hand on his chest and says," You said you hate lies then why are you lying to me and yourself now.." Sid looks at her right into her eyes and says," I .. can't.." Sana comes closer to him, grabbing his t-shirt and says, "What Siddy boy? What can't you do? What? You can't come closer to me or kiss me? What? You are scared of coming closer because you won't be able to hate me anymore. Right. I never knew you were such a coward." Sid holds Sana from her arms and pulling her closer says,"Apni hadh mein raho thik hai na.( stay in your limits) Don't cross your limits." Sana replies with anger," Nahi toh kya? You are a coward. I will say that right at your face. Jaa jo ukhadna hai ukhad lo.." Sid clenching his teeth says," I said shut up barna I don't know what I will do." Sana smiles as if mocking him and says," You can't do anything because you are a coward. Coward." Sid screams," I am no coward.", and saying this, he pulls her towards him and takes her lips into his for a long kiss. After a rough kiss, Sid leaves her. He is breathing heavily by now. Sana is shocked and her eyes red by now. She grabs his t-shirt again and says,"What was that hun? Now you don't hate my touch? Tell me?" Sid pulls her again by her arms and says," Don't .." Sana looks into his eyes and says," You don't.." Both still holding each other, again lock their lips, this time for a more passionate kiss.

Without leaving each other's lips, they start moving towards the bed and fall over on it. Sana's fingers run through the hair of Sid as his hand lies on his waist. Sana slowly puts her hand inside his t-shirt over his bare back. Breathless now, as their lips separate, Sana removes his t-shirt and pulls him again closer. Sid again takes her lips into his as Sana's fingers run over his chest. Sid gets over her and starts kissing her ear lobe and coming down slowly to the nape of her neck. Sana softly calls his name. And Sid looks at her and stops. Sana's eyes are closed and lips parted. Opening her eyes, she looks at him and whispers,"Who wanted the kiss now? Tell me?" Sid stays quiet for a long time as Sana holds on to her. He then slowly sits up, going for his t-shirt and wearing it immediately. Sana making a sad face says, "Please don't take up your angry man look. We both wanted that kiss okay. We both wanted to come closer. Sorry. Please don't go now." Sid without meeting her eyes says in a low tone,"Go to sleep. I need to write something." Sana sitting up says,"Will you write poetry now? You are such a good poet. Bolona." Sid gets up from the bed and sits down on the chair. He without looking at her says,"Sana go to sleep please. Please I need to write something important." Sana smiles and says," As long as you are not angry then I am okay." She lies down on the bed, closing her eyes and blushing about what just happened.

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