Chapter 13

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Y/N's Pov

1 week later

"Fuck, ugh faster," I said as he thrusted in me, his fingers lingered the sides of my body. I could tell he was getting tired so we switched positions. I grabbed his member and placed it in my entrance going lower and lowers, "right there".


I sprung up from dream and muttered, "shit" under my breath. I lifted up my blanket and saw I was wet, I groaned in frustration and walked to my restroom so I could take a shower.


Third person

It was different for the boys, everything was dull since she left. They all sat at breakfast silent, normally y/n would do all the talking.

Mattia missed the way he would play footsie with y/n under the table when they where bored. Jake missed the way she would try to start a conversation and ask how your day went. Kairi missed how she would always thank the servants for her meal. And Alejandro missed how funny she was and how she would try and act tough around the boys.

Jake got interrupted while eating when a servant tapped on his shoulder. "You got a letter" the servant said, Jake opened the letter and read it to himself.


Dear, Jake

I'm so sorry, I left without saying anything. There was to many emotions going through my body. If you didn't know Mattia cheated on me. I don't know why but he did, it was to good to be true. All I was, was a good fuck, and nothing else.

Also tell Alejandro that I'm sorry I didn't tell him I guess I was to caught up in the moment. I thought maybe this time I wouldn't end up getting cheated on. I thought Bella wasn't in the picture, Bella is the one Mattia cheated on me with. She also the girl that always ruins my relationships. And Mattia knew that, I told him jake.

But it's okay, I guess, I'm writing this letting because I'm getting married to Marco. There is no point in trying for love. I even thought I loved Mattia, but he showed his true colors.

I should've listened to alejandro, but anyways I want you to come to my wedding. Your my best friend and has always been there for me. I love you, and I'm thankful for having you in my life. also if you go can you bring Alejandro, I owe him an explanation.

It's at * random church, 12:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sincerely, y/n ♡︎


Jake got up angrily, she was getting married to a douche bag. Without thinking jakes had connected his hand to the wall, Jake groaned in pain dropping the card on the floor. He didn't even notice the tears flowing through his eyes.

He got up wiped his tears and grabbed the card, "Alejandro, can I talk to you private". Alejandro got up and followed Jake to another room. "Y/n is getting married" jake whispered so that Kairi and Mattia couldn't hear. "SHE'S GETTING MARRIED"  he yelled, Jake covered his mouth but before he could say something someone knocked on the door.

"Who's getting married" a confused Mattia said while opening the door, 'Should I tell him?' Jake thought. "Y/n" "t-to who" Mattia stuttered, "Marco" "also she didn't invite you she only invited me and Alejandro, sorry", Jake recalled.

"I can't go what if I see my parents or people I know" Alejandro panicked. Jake sighed, "Alejandro do what you think is right" he said while walking out the door.

Mattia stood there in shock, he couldn't believe it. He wanted things back to normal.

He loved her

As he should 😈😹🤧😌.

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