Chapter 20

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"Calm down," Alejandro said, "I'M NOT GOING TO CALM DOWN ALEJANDRO, SHE'S DIED!" Mattia screamed. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO CALM," Mattia screamed while pointing his fingers at the boys, "SHE IS DEAD", he recalled.

The boys got a call from the police station, and they told them that she died.

"AND YOU", Mattia said while walking to jake. He grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up. "IF YOU JUST WENT WITH HER NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED".

Jake clawed at Mattia's hand while Alejandro and Kairi were pulling him back. Mattia punched Jake in the stomach before letting go of him. He went to his room and thought, 'This isn't real' he said to himself multiple times.

The only actual person he ever loved was dead. Mattia jumped on his bed, he doze into space. All the memories he had with y/n came back. He didn't even notice the tears slipping down his face.

He couldn't let go, he loved her too much.

"Come back" he muttered, "please y/n I'll be better, just j-" he was out of words. He got up and put his hands on his temples.

1 day later

Mattia's Pov

I didn't feel like getting up, my heart hurt. I'd rather get shot then feel the way I'm feeling right now. The maids have knocked on my door multiple times but I haven't gotten up.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try and post a normal one tomorrow 😗

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