Part 2

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I took my keys out of my car and got out with the girls. We walked towards the front door and everyone looked at me.

"Why do I have to knock?" I asked frowning at them.

"Uh, you got us this job and your the nicest here" Lynae said crossing her arms.

"Correction, Addison is the nicest here but fine I'll knock because I'm not a pussy" I said pulling a sarcastic smile before hitting the door knocker into the door and taking a step back. We waited for a few seconds before we heard a click in the door and a middle aged woman popped her head out of the door. When she saw us she smiled and fully opened the doors.

"Oh! You must be the new cleaners?" She said smiling. I'm assuming she's Mrs.Polibio because she has long dark hair and looks exactly like the woman in the photo.

"That would be us" I said smiling and looking at the girls next to me who had no expression. I nudged Addison and she smiled at the lady.

"Ok well come in. I'm Mrs.Polbio if you were wondering but you can call me Linda" (idk her name) Linda said welcoming in the girls. She walked us to a seating area and sat down with us.

"Ok so, here are your schedules" She said handing them to me and the girls, we looked down at them to see what we had today.

"So what are your names?" Linda said smiling at u as she crossed her legs and put her hands over one knee.

"I'm Y/n" I said smiling back before turning my head to Addison beside me and nudging her.

"I'm Addison" Addison replied giving a nervous smile.

"I'm Avani" Avani said giving me an annoyed look.

"And I'm Lynae" Lynae said giving Linda a genuine smile which surprised me. That was not like Lynae, I wonder what made her so happy. 

"Ok, so before you start working I want you guys to meet the family" Linda said still keeping the biggest smile on her face. I wonder if her cheeks hurt yet. Linda shouted for someone and a large man appeared walking towards us. I could tell that Avani wanted to laugh, thank god she kept it in.

"This is my husband" Linda said wrapping an arm around him and smiling up at him. Not gonna lie it was really cute.

"This is Y/n, Addison, Avani and Lynae. They will be our cleaners for a while" Linda said still looking at her husband we all waved at him and he smiled.

"Welcome and thank you for doing this, we've been struggling to find people trustworthy enough" He said smiling at us. I didn't really know what to say back to that so I just smiled back and nodded my head. He walked out of the room and back into what I'm assuming is his office before Linda shouted another name.

"Gianluca!" Linda shouted. Seconds later a cute little boy came running down the stairs and into the room.

"Yes ma?" He asked before looking at us and smiling. Very smiley family I see.

"Hi baby, these are the new cleaners Y/n, Addison, Avani and Lynae" Linda said slowly pointing at each of us.

"Wow you guys are really pretty" Gianluca said waving at us. We burst out laughing because of how young he was.

"Thank you sir" I said smiling at him. 

"Please call me Luca" He said smiling back at me.

"Ok Luca" I said still smiling, me cheeks were starting to hurt at this point.

"Ok ma I have to go back upstairs the boys are waiting for me on roblox" Gianluca said to his mom.

"Ok sweetie" Linda said to him before he ran back upstairs.

"Ok so my next son can be pretty rude at times so don't mind him" Linda said smiling at us. I'm guessing he's a similar age to Gianluca?

"Mattia!" Linda shouted. We all looked at the stairs but didn't see anyone, I frowned wondering if he heard her or not.

"MATTIA!" She shouted a little louder this time. I looked at the girls and Lynae shrugged her shoulders.

"What ma?!" Mattia shouted back.

"Come downstairs please!" Linda shouted before turning back to us and smiling. We heard him groan and a door slam. As he walked down the stairs on his phone my jaw dropped. I was completely wrong. He looked to be about our age and he was hot as fuck. 

{Word count: 727}

A/n: I kinda forgot papa Polibio's name lmao. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - kairiavenue on insta (dm me if you ever need to talk, im always here :) )

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