Part 5

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I woke up to a pillow hitting my face and Avani and Lynae's giggles. I groaned as I turned over trying to ignore them and trying to go back to sleep, I heard them whisper. All of a sudden me and Addison had 2 girls jumping on us to get us up.

"Ok, ok. I'm up" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Let's go eattttt" Avani said getting off my bed and sitting on the floor next to me. I looked over at Addison who still had her eyes closed and was cuddling a pillow, I chuckled before turning to Avani.

"Your gonna have to get up this one if you want to go anywhere" I say pointing at Addison next to me.

"Lynae, do it" Avani said nodding her head at Lynae who sat at the end of my bed. Lynae got up and walked into my bathroom, she came back with a cup in her hands.

"No, no, no" I said getting up from the bed and sitting next to Avani not wanting to get wet. Lynae poured the cup of cold water on Addison's face making her instantly sit up and put her hands to her face.

"You bitch!" Addison said getting up and chasing lynae around my room. Addison jumped on Lynae and hugged her as me and Avani laughed at the pair on the floor.

"Get up assholes, we're going to go and eat" I said as I got up from sitting next to Avani and walking into my bathroom. I got changed and brushed my teeth before walking out to see all the girls already ready.

"Wtf, how did you get ready so quick?" I asked frowning at the 3 girls on my bed.

"Magic" Avani said smirking at Lynae and Addison. 

"Right, where we going?" I asked as I sat on the end of my bed and looked at the 3 girls in front of me.

"McDonaldsss" Lynae said making me smile, we always go to McDonalds together. It's pretty much our favourite place to go to eat.

"Okie Dokie" I say as I get up from my bed and grab my keys. We walk to my car and get in, Avani sat in the front this time so she could play her playlist. We sang our hearts out to Don Toliver the whole ride there. Once we got there I parked outside and we all walked in together. We ordered and took a seat.

"Holy shit" Lynae said smirking and nudging Avani making Avani look up from her phone and at whatever was behind me, she also smirked.

"What are you smirking at?" I ask as I turn around to see what they were looking at. Holy shit. There he was sitting at a table with a bunch of other cute boys, not as cute as him but you know. He was looking straight at me....

{Word count: 473}

A/n: Why do I prefer this story to my other one lmao. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - kairiavenue on insta (dm me if you ever need to talk :) )

daydreamin // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now