Part 7

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Me and the girls were on the way to work, of course in my car and I'm driving because I'm the only one who isn't lazy.  When we arrived at the Polibio's of course I had to knock again.

"I hate you guys sometimes" I said after knocking and rolling my eyes at them. Mattia appeared behind the front door which surprised me, I was expecting to see Linda.

"Oh hey, come in" Mattia said, opening the door further so we could enter. I pulled Addison in front of me and walked in, Lynae and Avani followed behind us. Mattia closed the door and faced us, burying his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans.

"Uh so, my parents are out for the day with Gianluca. So it's just me and my friends here. If you need anything I'll be in my room" Mattia said, scratching the back of his head as he sounded really awkward.

"Ok" I said before walking to the room with the supplies with the girls. Lynae ran after me excitedly.

"Y/n!!" Lynae said shaking my shoulders from behind me as I grabbed a mop out of the room.

"Yes Lynae?" I say turning around to her and crossing my arms.

"Can we please go and look if he's with that guy I was talking about yesterday?" Lynae said making her hands into a praying sign.

"Lynae are you insane?! You want us to spy on them?!" I say a little to loud. Lynae put a finger to her lips and looked at Avani who was laughing at her.

"Pleaseeee" Lynae said giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sighed before grabbing her hand and leading her up the stairs with Addison and Avani following behind us. We looked through the crack of the door and there they were sitting on Mattia's bed. All of them stuck in there phone doing whatever they were doing. We stood there and looked at them for a little before walking slowly back downstairs so they wouldn't hear us.

"Omg omg omg. He's so cute! I wonder what his name is!" Lynae said pacing.

"Omg Lynae you've only seen him twice. You barely know him, he could be a serial killer" I said laughing at her as she paced.

"Your not one to talk" Lynae said as she stopped pacing and stood in front of me crossing her arms.

"Ok ok, now lets work before we don't get payed" I said grabbing my rubber gloves and sliding them on. We worked 3 for 3 hours and we heard the boys laugh every now and then or shout about something. Once we finished we started putting everything away.

"Honestly that sucked" Avani said as she passed me bucket so I could put it in the supplies room.

"It always does" Lynae said as she leaned on the kitchen counter and crossed her arms.

"Ok Lynae, at least you got to see your little crush again" Addison said making me laugh. We heard the front door open and I finished putting the stuff away. Linda walked into the kitchen and smiled as she put her bag down.

"Hello girls" Linda said smiling. We all said hi and she sat down in front of us letting her smile fade.

"I know you only just started here but, we're going to have to fire you" Linda said looking down at her hands as she fiddled with her thumbs.

{Word count: 557}

A/n: Oop, why do you think they've been fired? Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - kairiavenue on insta (dm me if you ever need to talk)

daydreamin // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now