Part 10

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It's been a couple of days since we all started to become friends. Well I say friends but me and Mattia and Alejandro and Lynae kinda like each other so yeah. I'm not sure about Avani and Kairi, they flirt sometimes but they're basically just best friends. Addison is head over heels for this Bryce guy but me and the girls haven't met him yet so we're going out for food today with him and the boys. We all got in my car and made our way to McDonalds to meet up with Bryce and the boys. We all sang our hearts out to Ariana Grande because I may or may not have an obsession.

"I hear the thunder come in down wont you rain on meeeee" I sung looking at Addison who was also singing with me in the passenger seat. I could hear Avani and Lynae also singing in the back which made me smile. We were all so happy, I wish we could be like this forever. I pulled into the McDonalds and saw the boys sitting with another boy who I'm assuming is Bryce from the excited look on Addison's face as she looked at him quickly unbuckling herself. I got out of the car and watched as Addison ran into his arms and swayed from side to side as she hugged him. I stood next to Avani and Lynae and watched them kiss making us all laugh. 

"This is Bryce" Addison said, walking him over to my car.

"Oh really?" I said making Avani and Lynae laugh.

"mhm and Bryce, these are my best friends Y/n, Avani and Lynae" Addison said introducing us to her boyfriend.

"So you're the girls I'm always hearing about" Bryce said laughing and looking down at Addison. I crossed my arms and raised my eye brows at the girl who was attached to her boyfriends arm.

"Hmmm, I wonder what" I said making everyone laugh. I looked into the window looking at Mattia who was waving from us to come in, I smiled before turning back to the girls and Bryce. 

"Let's go and eat, I'm hungry" I said walking past Addison and Bryce.

"Hungry for Mattia's attention" Avani mumbled giggling with Lynae.

"What was that?" I said turning around and giving them a serious look.

"Nothing" Lynae said, putting on a straight face.

"mhm, that's what I thought" I said before laughing and turning back to walking into the place. Oh did I mention that me and Mattia have gotten ALOT closer over the past few days, mhm I'm so happy. I really like him. Anywayyyy I walked in and he got up from where he was sitting to give me a hug. I pulled away from his embrace and sat next to him, Addison and Bryce sat next to us and Avani, Kairi, Lynae and Alejandro sat in front of us. I then realised there was another boy sitting next to Kairi at the end of our table. I looked at him and frowned, he simply smiled at me.

"Mattia, who's that?" I whispered in his ear making him chuckle.

{Word count: 512}

A/n: Oop who do you think it is? Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - kairiavenue on insta (dm me if you ever need to talk :D)

daydreamin // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now