Chapter One

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Percy's POV-

*Knock Knock*

I woke up to someone knocking. Again. It was probably Emma or Mom.

*Knock Knock*

"Ugh, alright alright, I'm coming. Geez, calm down," I say as I roll out of bed.

My name is Prince Perseus Jackson, but I go by Percy and feel nothing like a prince.

Basically, my mom, Queen Sally, gave birth to me and my twin brother Triton almost 16 years ago. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking along the lines of "Woah, why do you sound so sad?"

Because I was born a couple minutes after my brother, and it's against the law to have royal twin sons. So, my mom and her head maid Emma hid me away in the Northern Tower which is like, super far away from the rest of the castle. Horrible, I know.

As I cross my bedroom into the living room to check through the peephole, I have a thought. A stupid thought, but a thought nonetheless. Emma and Mom always say they're the only ones with keys, yet they always make me open the door for my food... why?

As I get to the door, I check the peephole and see it's my mother. Ooh even better!

*Knock Knock*

Yeah... sorry Mom, I'm not opening the door today.

"Perseus!" She angry whispers. "Ugh he's probably still in bed."

I hear keys jangling and the lock being opened and...

"Hi Mom! What's up?" I smiled.

She quickly came in and closed the door before turning and glaring at me.

"Why didn't you open the door! Someone could've seen me!"

"Well yeah but your the Queen so you can tell them to go screw themselves. And also, I wanted to know if you actually had keys," I shrugged.

Mom face-palmed. "Your lucky I love you mister," she said with a hug before turning to leave. "Oh also, do you wanna go to the summer castle for a few weeks?"

"You bet I do! Thanks Mom!"

I love the summer castle! Even though I go in the winter, it's still LOADS of fun. I get to wander around way more than I do here. Mom says that if I wasn't a spitting image of my father I'd be allowed to walk around with some cover story. But nope! I look exactly like my dad... except like 30 years younger.

As I walk back into my living room which is also my dining room, I peek into the basket of food Mom brought. Of course, everything is wrapped in foil so I can't see anything, but I can definitely smell the pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Mmmm. I sit down and dig in.

*-*-*-*-*-*time skip*-*-*-*-*-*

*Beep beep beep*

I roll over and turn my alarm clock off before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Every other day, I wake up at midnight and go do something around the castle, depending on the weather. In the summer, I usually go for a swim in the ocean or a horse ride, since I love both those things the most. Occasionally I'll train my sword fighting or just workout. The winter is a bit different though because despite the fact we live in Atlantis, a super tropical kingdom, the nights get pretty cold. So I usually run some laps, do some strength or just punch a punching bag. Then I go back to my room at 4, before all the servants wake up at 4:30.
As I sit up and pull a shirt on, I decide to do some hardcore strength workout for at least an hour, then run some laps, then walk some and head back to my room. Yay.

Sorry this chapter is kind of short. I don't really like switching back and forth between POVs in the middle of a chapter sooo... yeah.
Thanks to the few, if any, people who read this!
Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna❤️

Published: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

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