Chapter Ten

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Percy's POV-

1 month later

Annabeth has been coming up to my room twice a week for the past month. It is soo nice have a friend my age. I mean, Josie's about 2 1/2 years older, but she's a servant. Not that I'm against being friends with her for that reason, she just has other duties. Plus, I'm not supposed exist, which means Josie doesn't have scheduled time to come check on me or hang out with me or anything.

We mostly just talk about anything and everything. What happened since last time we talked, what is supposed to happen tomorrow or things from our past. So, basically Annabeth talks while I nod. My life is pretty boring.

A couple of times, Annabeth has met me in the gym, or the kitchen, or the pool, or somewhere I'd usually go on the nights that I go out and do stuff.

Tomorrow is mine and Triton's birthday, which means that his coronation is next week. Hopefully, Annabeth hasn't said anything about me yet, and if she has, hopefully no one cares or tells an official or my father, because then instead of a crowing celebration, we would be having a death fight next week. Yay.

Since it's gonna be my birthday when Annabeth comes to meet me tonight at midnight, I'm going swimming. I grab my phone so I can text her and let her know.

Percy: hey, I'm going 2 the pool tonight, c u there??

I wait a few minutes before I hear my phone ding.

Annabeth: yeah sure, can I bring a few friends 2 meet u?

Annabeth: cause it's ur bday?

Percy: Annabeth, that's not a good idea

Annabeth: oh come on, u deserve some sort of celebration!

Annabeth: I'll make sure they swear on their lives not 2 tell anyone

Percy: ugh... fine

Annabeth: yay! c u 2 night :)

More people who know my secret...yay? Hopefully things go well, I really don't wanna die next week. I mean, I've worked out and I'm fairly good at sword fighting, but Triton has trained for his entire life. I mean, so have I, but my training was self-taught and I just swiped and jabbed at dummies. I've definitely improved a lot this past month cause Annabeth has been helping me, but still.

I check my phone for time. It's 2:58. Mom, Emma and Josie said they'd be here at 3:15 for a quick birthday celebration. Basically, they bring a cake and a few presents, hang out for about 10 minutes, then leave. Mom said that since it's my 16th, she'll bring me an extra big cake and some special present. Yay, I guess.

Since I have 15 more minutes to wait, I can't decide what to do, so I walk around aimlessly for 10 minutes while I decide. I decide to go put a shirt on before Mom comes in. Hmm, 3 more minutes... I cou-

*Knock knock*

Yay, they're here early!

I quickly go and open the door, while they quickly and quietly slip in. Once they're in and the door is closed, they engulf me in hugs and girlish squeals about how I've grown into such a handsome young man and how I'm getting so old and blah blah blah. Good bye eardrums.

"Hey! Please shut up!" I smile. "Thank you!"

"Percy, don't talk to me like that," Mom says with fake sternness.

"Sorry," I say. Then I mutter, "not."

That earns me a ruffled head of hair and a shove from Josie.

"Here's your lovely cake!" Josie says, presenting a large, blue cake.

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