Chapter Eleven

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Annabeth's POV-

"Ok guys, I need you all to swear on your lives, that you will never repeat what I'm about to tell you," I said to my group.

There were scattered responses along the lines of, "I promise" or "I swear". And then there was Leo who said, "I solemnly swear... that I am up to no good."

"Leo, I'm being dead serious. If you won't cooperate, then get out," I said sternly. We were all in my living room, sitting in a circle.

"Ok, now you're scaring me," Leo said. "But I promise not to tell anyone... whatever you're going to tell me."

"Alright. I know everything about the Northern Tower," I said, sucking in a breath.

"You figured it out? But you never told Thalia and I? When? Come on Annabeth, I thought we were in it together!" Piper whined.

"How long have you known?" Jason asked.

"Are you sure that finding it out was smart?" Katie asked.

More questions kept flowing in, but I cut them off saying, "I figured out about a month ago. Queen Sally and twins and the other son, Percy, is being hidden up there because Sally didn't want to lose one of her sons. I've been going up a couple times a week. It's his birthday also tomorrow, so at midnight, I'm meeting him at the pool for a little birthday celebration, you guys should come."

"Wow. I was not expecting that," Reyna said.

"So, should we just meet you at the entrance to the Southern Tower at about... say 11:50, so we aren't late?" Thalia suggested.

"No, we don't have to worry about being late. I doubt Percy will beat us. Just meet at the bottom of the stairs at around 12:15. In swimsuits," I informed everyone.

"Should we bring anything?" Will asked.

"Umm, yeah, maybe some food... Stolls, you think you can handle that?"

"Of course we can! But we need Leo, also," Travis said with an evil smirk.

"NO PRANKS!!!" Everyone else shouted.

"Not even one, itty bitty baby prank?" Connor asked.

"No," I said firmly. "Just remember, I have plenty of dirt on all of you. Plus, I'm going to be Triton's number 1 advisor next week, so I can easily get you fired with just a few words."

That shut them up pretty quickly.

"Alright it's..." I check my phone, and say, "8:21. That's 4 hours for the Stolls to get food, and for all of us to get dressed and maybe a little bit of sleep. Alright, now get out!" I said, shooing them all out.

*-*-*-*-*-*time skip*-*-*-*-*-*

I got down to the stairs first, as expected. Everyone else trickled down, with Jason practically carrying Thalia last.

"Alright, everyone here?" I whispered.

"Yep!" Was the general response.

"And I got the food!" One of the Stolls quietly announced. I'm not sure which one, but the other one then said, "And I've got drinks!"

"Great, come on," I say, turning towards the door.

As we walk to the pool, surprisingly very quietly, I think about all the nights I've spent with Percy this month. I feel horrible for him, I mean, it's not like he wanted to be the hidden prince. Unless he did.... but he seems lonely, so I'm gonna go with no. Most nights it was me talking, but when he did, he didn't have much to say. 98% of the time, he just chills in his room, tower, apartment, or, if you like Percy's name for the Northern Tower, then the 'Percy Palace' is the one. His mom, or Emma, will come every morning and bring him food for the day, but he usually eats most of it by lunch. That's why he has a stash of food that he's stolen from the kitchen. Every other night, he goes out and does something around the castle. Swimming, sword fighting, running laps, working out or stealing from the kitchen. He's timed it so that when I come up twice a week, he's there. How he's up all nights all week, I think he sleeps during the day.

Once we get to the pool, I stop, turn around and say, "I'm trusting you guys, and Percy is trusting me. Please, don't ruin that." And with that, we all walk in.

Not surprisingly, Percy isn't there yet. Go figures, it's almost 12:30!

As we all set things up, I think about.. well, Percy. He's said he's a strong swimmer and he definitely looks strong, but I almost don't believe him. Why? Well cause he mostly seems to sit around and eat junk food all day. And becau-


Everyone stops talking and turn to look at the door. Percy had opened the door and was standing there, not really knowing what to do it seemed like.

"Hey Perce! Guys, this is Percy, Percy this is Leo, Will, Nico, Thalia Pipe-" I started, pointing at whosever name I said.

"Piper, Jason, the Stolls, Katie, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, and Calypso," Percy finished for me.

"Uhh, how did you know all of our names? And also, do we have to bow and all that other crap?" Leo asked, and got a swat on the head from Calypso.

"Because Annabeth showed me pictures and, uh... I've seen you guys having picnics and I picked up on your names. And no, you don't have to do any of that. I'm only a prince cause of who my parents are, but I definitely wasn't raised like one," Percy said. "Anyone wanna go swimming?"

"Sure, why not. Come on Thals," Jason said, taking his shirt off and pulling Thalia towards the pool.

Thalia hadn't registered what was going on till she was in the pool. Then, she was mad. And when Thalia is mad, you better pray you live to see tomorrow.

Right as she resurfaced and started screaming at Jason, he jumped in right next her, splashing her big time.

When they resurfaced again, Thalia tried to scream again, but was cut off by Jason's hand. "Shut up Thals, you'll get us all caught!"

While Jason was calming Thalia down, I noticed Percy had taken his shirt off as well and was creeping around the pool. I mentally shook my head.

As soon as Thalia and Jason were laughing again, Percy jumped, which resulted in the biggest cannonball splash ever, and a very angry Thalia.

We all partied fairly quietly, hung out, ate, and laughed. At around 3:30, Percy got out of the pool and said, "I gotta go, but you guys can stay if you want. Anyways, thanks, this was lots of fun."

After he left, and I explained why, we just played in the water till one of the servants came and told us she had to clean in there.

We all walked back to our rooms, and when I got back, I checked my phone and I had gotten a text from Percy.

Percy: thanks Wise Girl, I haven't had that much fun in... ever :P

Annabeth: ofc, we all enjoyed it as well

Annabeth: Seaweed Brain

Percy: you suck. gn zzz

We had nicknamed each other at the pool, cause Leo completely ignored what I said about pranks and threw a bunch of confetti at Percy, and it looked like seaweed. He called me Wise Girl, cause I have a tendency to spout random facts whenever. And cause he's a Seaweed Brain and couldn't come up with a different nickname.

Overall, we had a lot of fun.

Hiya peepsles!! How's it going? Hope you like this chapter, it was mostly a filler but had stuff going on at the same time so idk lol.

Quick shoutout to Aussie_Pjo_Lover and The_Ghost_Queen06 for all your comments, idk where I would be without u guys!

Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna ❤️

Published: Thursday, July 9, 2020

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