Chapter Five

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Annabeth's POV-

Around midnight, I heard car doors opening, closing, the car starting, the gates opening, the car driving off and the gates closing. At that moment I just thought 'servants running errands to get food' but it was Sunday morning and the servants never make errands Saturday night.
Later today, I'm supposed to be in a fake board meeting with Prince Triton and all the other future advisors, so I'll ask then. For now, I'll have to ask Mom.

"Hey Mom?" I said, walking up to her.

"Yes?" She answered distractedly.

"Who was driving out of the castle grounds last night around midnight? I heard a car drive off after the gates were opened. Quite noisily."

"Nobody left last night, you must've been dreaming," Mom said after checking the castle log.
"I don't think so... bye Mom!" I said running out the door. I bet Thalia or Nico heard it. They're both very light sleepers.

Thalia's room was closest, so I stopped there first. Even though she was awake, she hadn't heard anything because she was watching tv with Jason.

Nico had been asleep, and by some miracle, didn't wake up. They both kind of brushed it off saying I was probably hallucinating due to all the stress of the upcoming coronation.

Yeah right. Me? Hallucinate? There's no way.

*-*-*-*-*-*time skip*-*-*-*-*-*

As the fake board meeting was wrapping up, I walked over to Triton who was informally greeting Piper. As I walked up, Triton noticed me and said, "Hey Annabeth, what's up?"

"Not much, I just wanted to ask you about the car that I heard leave around midnight last night. Know anything about who was leaving?"

"Uh, nope. I can ask my parents though, they might know."

"Ok, that would be great."

"No problem. Hey, we should hang out again, like we did when we were little, whaddya say?"

I thought about this. When Triton and I were younger, we hung out a lot since most of the advisors and their kids hadn't moved in yet. But as we got older, we kind of drifted apart, due to our responsibilities. I got caught up in designing the nobles apartments and learning how to be an advisor while he got busy with... well with being a prince I guess.

"That would be great. Me and the other kids of the advisors usually have picnics on the hill by the stable, I'll let you know when we go again. I think we're doing one tomorrow for brunch," I said looking to Piper to confirm this. When she nodded at me, I nodded at Triton.

"Ok, great. Yeah, just let me know and I'll be the-"

"Triton! There you are!" Aphrodite said as she walked over. "Oh, hello Piper, dear. Anyways, Triton, I need to measure you for your coronation suit! Come, come!"

"Guess I better go. Thanks for inviting me!" Triton said as he was dragged away by Aphrodite.

Piper turns to me and says, "Soo.."

"Soo... what?" I ask.

"You and Triton?"

"Nah, he's more like my childhood friend. Not really my type."

"Uh huh. Reeeaaallly?"

"Yep. And you don't get to say anything, I saw you drooling over Jason," I said with a wink as I walked out.

"Hey where you going!?" Piper asked, running after me.

"Umm... to do something dangerous?"

"Ooh, really? Like what?"

"I'm...uhh... spyingonthenortherntower!"

"Uh, slow down and speak English please."

I took a deep breath. "Remember the car leaving that I was telling you about? I think there's something in the Northern Tower that they were transporting."

"Hey whatcha guys talking about," Thalia said, walking up to us. "Woah, Pipes, you look like you've seen a ghost or something, you alright?"

Piper turned to Thalia and, ignoring her question, asked, "How often does Annabeth break the rules?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Thalia whipped her head to look at me, shocked.

"Well she said- Annabeth, get your butt back here!" Piper snapped.

I tried sneaking off, because I knew that if Piper told Thalia it was like telling our whole group. And that was a lot of people.

"Annie, what is she talking about?" Thalia nervously asked.

I sighed. "Let's go for a ride."

As we walked to the stables, Piper explained to Thalia that I was going to try and spy on the Northern Tower. They both then peppered me with constant questions. I ignored them trying to clear my thoughts.

Did I really want to do this? Piper has known me for about 24 hours and has already gathered that I don't break the rules. Ever. And here I am, about to break the biggest rule of all. What am I thinking?

"Hey where you gu- woah chill out!" Jason said, jogging up to us. I turned around and realized how angry Thalia and Piper were.

"Uhh we were just going to go for a ride," I said, praying Thalia and Piper didn't say anything. Of course, they did.

"Liar!" Piper shouted.

"She's going to spy on the Northern Tower!" Thalia announced.

I turned on her angrily. "Why don't you tell the whole castle and get us in trouble, huh? Yes, I am spying on the Northern Tower, but that's because I think something up there might have been robbed!"

"Uhh, Annabeth, we don't even know if anything is up there in the first place," Jason said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Exactly, so I will do a quick observation and then be done, unless I find something suspicious," I said, continuing on to the stables.

Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter. I promise things are going to get more interesting soon, although I'm not sure how lol. I'm open to suggestions! Also, please comment any tags I could use to help others find my story easier.

Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna❤️

Published: Tuesday, June 30, 2020

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