Chapter Nine

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Annabeth's POV-

Oh my gosh, I finally figured out the mystery of the Northern Tower! I thought there was something up there that the Queen was hiding but boy, I did not expect another prince! What I don't get, is why he's up there?

Throughout the day, I got lots of comments such as, "You look horrible," or "Did you get any sleep tonight," and "Annabeth, please pay attention." My mind kept wandering off to random things, but mostly Percy. And books. Ugh, stupid ADHD.

Once I'm finally done, I go to the History Library. Yes, the King has many libraries. My favorite is the Educational Library, but today, I wasn't planning on reading architecture or things about advising the king. I was looking for something about why Percy had to hide while Triton got to live his life.

After about 2 1/2 hours (thanks again ADHD. Oh, and dyslexia) I finally found something about having multiple princes. The only rule about that is that they can't be twins. That must mean Percy is Triton's twin, cause if they are, and Percy wasn't a secret, they'd have a duel on they're 16th birthday.

Now I understand why Percy was so nervous.

After a fairly boring day of meetings, reading, picnic, more meetings and more reading, it was finally midnight. I quickly made sure Mom was asleep, fixed my hair and checked my clothes before I tip toed up to the Northern Tower.

When I got there, it was 12:07. I tried to open the door, but it was still locked. I swear, if Percy is playing me, I will find a way in, just so I can kick his butt.

I decided that he was probably coming soon, so I sat down by the door. Sure enough, the I hear the lock click 10 minutes later. I quickly open the door and slip in, scaring a very sleepy, shirtless, Percy.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Huh? Oh. Hey Annabeth," he mumbled, trudging up the stairs.

I follow him up and immediately pellet him with questions. "Why were you late? Where did you go for 2 weeks? Are you really Triton's twin? What do you do all day? Do you ha-"

"Shut up. I just woke up, gimme a minute," he says when we get to the top of the stairs, and go into the living room.

I plop down on the couch, while he slowly walked back into his room. He came back out a minute later with a hoodie and his phone. "Ok, one question at a time," he says, sitting next to me.

"Ok. Why were you late?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't open the door till like 12:19, you said 12!"

"I said around midnight, not at midnight. And also, stop whispering, it's annoying."

"Oh, true, but next time come sooner or say later, please?" I say, raising my voice to a soft volume, but not a whisper.

"Ok, I'll try. Next question," he said bluntly, staring at his phone.

"Where did you go for 2 weeks? At least, I'm assuming that was you who left 2 weeks ago."

"Wha- oh, yeah that was me. I went to the Summer Castle."

"It's not even summer, idiot," I mumble.


"I wasn't whispering that time, I was mumbling. I said, 'it's not even summer, idiot.' Also, don't yell at me," I said in a normal voice.

"Thank you," he said with a smirk. "Anyways, I can't go to the Summer Castle during the summer cause my family is there and so are most of the advisor's and their family's and the servants. Duh. Next."

"Oh, umm, ok. Are you really Triton's twin?"

"Yep, I was born eight minutes later, unknown to everyone except Emma, Josie, Dr. Apollo and a few others who quit. Next."

"What do you do all day?"

"Sleep, eat, Xbox, repeat. Anything else?"

There had been one more question, but I realized that it was stupid and pointless. I was going to ask if he had any friends, which he obviously didn't, so it would be really rude also.

"Not that I can think of. Do you have any questions for me?" I ask him.

"Uhh yeah, just a few. Why did you and your friends make the cookies blue yesterday?"

"Oh, because Queen Sally seems to like blue foods for some reason, so we decided to make them blue. Thalia and Piper didn't know this, but I was hoping to try and bribe her with cookies and tell me what was up here. Stupid, I know, because she has a whole kitchen staff to make her cookies, but I thought I'd try. But then I ran into you and you ate all the cookies."

"They were good. Almost as good as the ones Mom makes, but not quite."

"Queen Sally makes you cookies?"

"Oh yeah, all the time. She was a commoner before she married my dad, so she likes to hold on to little parts of her past life."

"Aww, that's sweet," I say honestly. I didn't know Sally was this soft, but it's super sweet. "Next," I say mockingly.

Percy rolled his eyes before asking, "Can you help me change the law?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You're going to be Triton's head advisor. You've got to tell him about me, after he's crowned and convince him to change the laws so I can, you know, live my life."

Wow. He sounded really desperate and sad. I guess that's what happens when you have to hide from everyone for your whole life.

"Sure. I'll talk to him. Anything else?"

"Umm, kind of not really."

"Well, what?"

"I don't know, just tell me what your daily life is like, I guess," he asked sheepishly.

"Alrighty then. So a lot of things have been changing lately cause Triton's about to become king, but..."

We sit and talk for 3 1/2 hours. We talked, teased, laughed and sassed. It was pretty fun to talk to someone who hasn't known me my whole life, and has also lived a different life. A very different life.

Also, when I say we sassed each other, Percy sassed. I don't know how anyone can be that sarcastic, but he could. It was the most amusing thing, ever.

First of all, two updates today, lucky you!! I'm just overflowing with ideas that I keep changing and revising and then writing.

Second, got a little bit of Percabeth. I really don't want to speed it up. No offense to anyone, but I feel like a lot of authors rush things. I'm not one of those authors and I'm sorry if you don't like that. My story, my way.

Third, just though I'd mention, I do not cuss. At all. So all of the fandom jokes will be left out of this story because it is basically a form of swearing. Again, sorry if you don't like it, but my story, my way.

Finally, thanks to all who have commented, voted or even just read this story, THANK YOU!!! Again, sorry about being kind of harsh, I just thought I'd let everyone know now before I start getting hate.

Lemme know what you think about this chapter!

Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna ❤️
(That just popped up in my suggestion bar, I'm so happy ahhhh)

Published: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

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