Chapter Twenty-Six

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Annabeth's POV-

"Talk to you soon," I say to Percy, pulling away from our hug, and reluctantly walk away.

I wanted to look back, but I knew it would just make things harder. So I didn't.

When I got to the car, Mother pulled me in quickly and hissed, "Where were you?! I went and knocked on the McLean's door, and nobody answered! Don't tell me you were off with Peter or whatever his name is."

"No, Mother," I groaned. "I wasn't in Piper's room, because she wanted to go for a walk and I had to go with her so it wasn't suspicious and she wouldn't suspect that I was leaving."


"And it's Percy not Peter."

"Whatever," Mother huffed. "Took you long enough though. Driver, step on it. We have to get on that plane before the sun rises and the palace realizes we left."

I gaped at her. "You didn't even tell Tri-- King Triton? I'm his right hand advisor! We can't just up and leave like that!"

"Oh relax," she waves me off. "I left a note outside our door. I said my sister-in-law was unwell and we had to go take care of her."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't respond. Mother was pissing me off.

* * *

"Mother, wake up. We've landed," I say, shaking her shoulder.

She passed out as soon as we took off, and stayed asleep for the entire 4 hour plane ride, which gave me a great opportunity to write some letters to mail sometime if I need to, and also to go through her phone and text Piper a little bit.

"Mother?" No movement. "Athena! Mother, wake up!"

"Huh?" she mumbled.

"We landed. Where are we going, after we get our bags?"

"We're going to live in the country. Away from everyone."

I gaped at her, for like the 4th time in the last 7 hours. "The country?!"

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Mother asked coldly.

"No, but you might! Have you even thought this through? There won't be fancy dresses. There won't be--"

"Annabeth Chase! How dare you speak to me like that! Of course I've thought this out. Need I remind you that before you were right hand to the King, I had that role. Alongside a much more oblivious King, which meant I had to work harder."

"Mother," I huff, "I know you don't like King Poseidon, but I still have respect for him. Please don't talk bad about him."

"Come on. We've got a long drive ahead of us," she said, walking away and completely disregarding my request.

As we walk out of the private airport with our bags, Mother looks around, and finally sees a white Toyota truck. She waves at whoever is inside, and walks up to him and talks to him while I put the bags in the trunk.

I didn't mind missing out on that conversation because I needed all the time to think about how to get back home. I didn't even mind the way Mother asked me to put the bags in the trunk, I was actually glad to have something reasonable to do.

"Alright Annabeth, get it!" she called. I walked over to the passenger side, to see her in the drivers seat.

"Do you even know how to drive?" I ask accusingly.

"Yes!" Mother says defensively. "I was--am, one of the best drivers there was in Atlantis!"

"Sure, you're always the best at everything," I mutter under my breath, but she's already turned her music on, so she couldn't hear me. Good riddance.

The drive to the little country house was very long, and almost tortuous, except for the scenery. It was gorgeous. I'm not usually a sucker for scenery, but this was beyond beautiful. It was impossible to be in a bad mood in a place like this. Not to mention it was so gorgeous that it made Mother speechless, which greatly improved my mood.

After a 2 1/2 hour drive, we turn into a really long driveway, leading up to the cutest little farmhouse. It was baby blue, with white trim. (A/N- Basically the Big House lol). I already loved it. It looked pretty big for two people, but who cares. It'll be easier to stay away from Mother and sneak out because she probably won't want to search the house for me.

Once I put my stuff away and chose a bedroom on the opposite side of the house as Mother, I went outside to explore. We were surrounded by pretty open land. There was a strawberry patch nearby, as well as a fire pit, and a lake.

It was also pretty hot, but a different hot than Atlantis. Atlantis had a humid, beachy hotness to it. This was just dry, and it was kind of suffocating, as well as depressing because I missed the humidity, even though it made my curls go crazy. I never really noticed how wild my curls were until I spent about 2 hours outside, watching the sunset, thinking. A lot. About how just 24 hours ago, I was in Percy's arms. In Atlantis. Happy.

Once I had come back in to shower, I looked in the mirror and saw that my curls went from untamed to sad, and droopy. Guess I'll have to go to the store tomorrow and get some sort of curl volumizer, because when my hair looks like this, it just looks like I just woke up, or I just did drugs or something.

I miss my home.


Hola, como estas peepsles!

How do you spell volumizer? Cause it has that red line saying that it's spelled incorrect, but I googled it! So I'm like rlllllly confused abt this lol

Not sure how I feel about this... like I've said before, I don't like switching POVs in the middle of a chapter because it can get confusing, but I wanted to write about Annabeth's move and stuff. Hope this was a good enough chapter though...

Hey, I need some suggestions for what to name this new city Athena moved Annabeth too. I'm pretty bad with picking names, which is why any name that's not already part of PJO or HOO was probably chosen off some baby name website lol. Please help!

Also, my school was originally just canceled for today and tmrw, but it's now canceled all week, and I won't be going back to school till next Monday. My friend's dad is a teacher, and he doesn't think we're going to go back next week either, and instead we'll wait till next next week.

Not sure if I can do that, I'm a very social person. I procrastinated A LOT today. SO, this week you will either get like a chapter or 2 a day, or like nothing because I'm reading a fanfic, a real book, baking sweets or some other random thing I'm doing to waste time lol. We'll never know.

Please go check out my other PJO book, Wait, Another? and I'd also appreciate if you'd go look at my newest book, that's a Selection fanfic, The Chance of a Lifetime. Thank you!

Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna <3

Published: Monday, October 19, 2020

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