Chapter Four

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Percy's POV-

I was eating my lunch while watching tv when I heard faint laughter and shouting from outside. I go look out the window, and sure enough, up the hill from the stables are the kids of the advisors having yet another picnic. I know they didn't know I existed but gosh, could they stop making me feel more forgotten? Geez.

As I watch them, I notice that for the first time in awhile they're all there. Plus one more girl with choppy caramel brown hair. Who's she? Oh well, I don't care, I'll just keep watching tv.
I wonder when I'm going to the summer castle?

What if blue had a flavor? What would my blue cookies, pancakes, cupcakes, soda and everything else taste like then?

Who was that girl?

Wait, someone just died?! I need to watch my show closer.

But who was that girl? I'm gonna call Mom or Emma. I just have to find my phone.... oh, there it is!

Ring... ring...

"Hello?" I hear my mom on the phone.

"Hey! Mom!" I say, not sure how to start.

"Uh, hey there. What do you need?"

"You know how all of the advisor's kids have picnics by the stables every so often?"

"Yeah. What about them? Also, why are you stalking them?"

"No! I'm not stalking them! I'm just... lonely... look I don't really want to talk about this, anyways.."

"Aww, I'm sorry dear. You're going to the summer castle tonight. I'll have Josie pick you up from your room about midnight. You'll be going with your personal guards and servants. Sound good?"

"Uh yeah, thanks Mom. Anyways, who's the new girl? The one with brown hair?"

"Ooh does Per- uhh Carter have a crush?"

"What?! No! I just want to know who her parents are and her name!"

"Oh, so you're a stalker?"

"No, Mom, I-"

*laughs* "Her name is Piper McLean. Her mom, Aphrodite McLean is the new castle seamstress."

"Oh. Ok, thanks Mom."

"You're welcome. I have to go, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Mom, love you."

"Ok, buh bye now."


I hear the line go dead as Mom hangs up. You might be thinking that that phone call was kind of cold, especially at the end, but Mom can't really be on the phone and be saying "I love you" when her husband and 'only' son are in front of her. It kinda sucks, but I've gotten used to it.

I walk back to the window and watch the other kids. I know all of their names, but none of their faces. If they stood in front of me, I could tell you who's who, but I can't tell you very many details about their faces.

For example, Piper has brown hair, has kind of a relaxed position and has a dark tan. I think she might be like part Indian or something, I'm not sure.

On her right, is Annabeth Chase. As far as I can see, Annabeth is gorgeous. She's got long, curly blonde hair, a natural tan and she definitely has a resting sword fighting stance, even when she's sitting down, like right now, you can just tell. Her mom is Athena Chase, my father's most trusted advisor. I'm pretty sure she's gonna become my brother's, Triton, most trusted advisor.

Next to Annabeth are the Stolls. One of them is named Connor and the other one is Travis. It's kind of hard to tell them apart, especially from a distance, but it looks like Connor is next to Annabeth, since Connor is shorter than Travis. They have blond hair, like their father, Hermes Stoll, the royal messenger. I'm pretty sure Travis is going to take his dad's place, but him and Connor are pretty close as far as I can tell, so I'm not quite sure.

After the Stolls, are the Grace kids, Thalia and Jason. They're a lot like the Stolls as far as age goes, Thalia and Travis being older than Jason and Connor. Thalia has a tense yet relaxed position that goes well with her goth look. She rarely wear any color besides the blue in her pixie cut hair. Jason is Thalia's complete opposite. He's got blond hair and that good boy aura. Sometimes I wonder if they're even siblings! If I ever get closer maybe they'll look more like each other.

After them are Lord Hades kids. They have different mothers, neither of whom are alive anymore. Nico di Angelo is a pretty pale, skinny kid with black hair and black clothes. He never seems to relax, even when he accidentally falls asleep on their picnics. His half sister, Hazel Levesque, seems much more open, despite also being shy like her brother. She has dark skin, long, dark brown hair and a love for horses. Again, not really sure how they're siblings, but they don't even have the same mother so I guess that's a pretty big factor.

Sitting next to Nico, is Will. His dad, Dr Apollo, doesn't have a last name, so neither does Will, as far as I know. Will is basically walking sunshine. He's always happy, has dark blond hair and a nice tan.

A bit farther away from Will, is Reyna Arellano, daughter of Lady Bellona Arellano, war advisor. Reyna seems pretty distant from the group, but she still hangs out with them. She's got black hair and seems very smart and strong.

Then there's Frank Zhang, Son of Mars Zhang, the other war advisor. Unlike Reyna, Frank seems really nice, but shy at the same time. He looks Chinese, with close cropped black hair. He's kind of bulky, and usually knocks things over but always picks everything up.

Next is Katie Gardener and Calypso Ogygia. They're both pretty down to earth girls who enjoy being with their friends. Calypso was adopted by Demeter Gardener, Katie's mom, the head gardener. Kind of ironic how Demeter's last name is her actual job.

To close off the circle, is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus Valdez, head of the forge. Leo is a short kid with curly brown hair. Him and the Stolls are huge pranksters. Poor Annabeth got the unlucky spot in between them. Ooh, and egg just got thrown at Reyna by Leo, bad choice buddy.

As a full on food war breaks out, I laugh to myself sadly and go to pack some things for the summer castle. I wonder how long I'll be there. Probable not much longer than 2 weeks. I'll ask Josie tonight.

Ok, how was this chapter? In my opinion it wasn't very good, but hopefully you liked getting to see the group from an outside point of view. I know that nothing has been very interesting yet, but bear with me, I have to like set things up. I have about half of a plot formed in my mind, but I'm hope to suggestions. Also, I know I'm kind of just updated randomly, but I'm just bursting with ideas and I have nothing else to do lol. Once I get a few more chapters out, I'll start updating with a schedule, probably every Tuesday or so. Just a quick reminder that none of the characters belong to me, just the story line. Thanks for reading this, it means a lot to me.

Comment your favorite color! Mine is purple 💜💜

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Published: Sunday, June 28, 2020

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