Chapter Fifteen

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Percy's POV-

My day was going pretty good. I stayed awake after the gang left around 4, playing video games and whatnot. Instead of Mom or Emma delivering my food, Josie did. Probably cause Mom and Emma were getting ready for the coronation.

So I ate a lot of food when that arrived at like 8 ish. Then I took a shower before eating some more. At about 11, I took a nap, and it was great, till I was rudely woken up by the bells from the coronation. That was at 3 though, which meant I had slept for 4 hours... well, at least I slept!

I knew that the actual crowning part wouldn't take long, but first Triton had to get married, which is kind of weird honestly, I mean, we just turned 16 last week! So yeah, that would take long. Then they went over some document from when the first king was crowned or something, I don't really know. Or care. But yeah. Then they crowned the bride, after some long and extensive vows and promises. Then Triton with the long and extensive vows. Then the whole "Do you swear," stuff. Ya know, Triton kind of got married twice today. Once to his bride, then to Atlantis. Haha, sucks to be him!

But anyways, that would take like 2 hours, so it would be pretty quiet around the castle since most people would be gone. Unfortunately, there would still be some servants out and about so I had to be quiet. I did a quick workout, things that didn't take up to much space, like squats and pushups. That only took me about 30 minutes.

I was bored.

I couldn't text Annabeth or Mom cause they were at the ceremony. I guess I could eat some more. So I did that. Then I went back to sleep, only to be rudely woken up, again!

But I was not expecting what actually woke me up.

I woke up because someone slammed the door. Then I heard someone, Annabeth, I think, say, "I told you he was going to be asleep."

"Come on, Triton dear, we'll come back later, right now you have a party to get to!" I heard Mom say.

Annabeth seemed angry, and annoyed. Mom mostly just sounded scared. I wasn't sure why Annabeth was angry, but I knew Mom was worried because Triton was here.

"I don't care if he's asleep, I wanna meet him! And plus, if he's my brother, shouldn't he be invited to the party as well?" I heard a guy say, I'm guessing Triton. His voice got louder while he talked, cause he was walking towards my room.

"Triton, think," Annabeth said coldly. "He's your brother. Your twin brother. That would have to try to kill you if people knew about him," she said, then after a pause shouted, "Wait!"

"What?" Triton said.

"Uhhhh, Triton dear, why don't we go-" Mom began.

"This is his room, isn't it?" Triton asked, before opening the door. I, of course, pretended I was asleep.

"Hey.. uh Percy? Wake up?" Triton said, nudging my shoulder.

"That will not wake him up," Annabeth laughed.

I barely suppressed a smile, but Annabeth saw. "Lucky for you, he's awake," she said.

"Huh?" Triton asked, confused.

"Get up Seaweed Brain," Annabeth ordered. Then punched me in the arm. Hard.

"OW!" I said, opening my eyes and punching Annabeth back. "What was that for?"

"Good measure," she shrugged.

"You're impossible."


"Hi. I'm Triton, nice to meet you," Triton said, holding his arm out for me to shake.

"Hey there. I'm Percy. Do I need to like bow or something cause you're the King now?"

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