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"What about this one?" Abby the Real Estate Agent asked us.

"This looks aesthetically pleasing but what's it features?" I asked as we walked inside.

"There's an upstairs, a basement, a two car garage, there is a master bedroom and three additional bedrooms, there is a living space, a dining room, and a kitchen along with a piano room." She said.

"Does the house come with a piano?" Winn asked.

"Yes, the previous home renter had left it because he didn't want it." She said.

"Interesting." I said.

"Where was I, oh, there is a smaller intimate sitting area by the window. For you and your husband to have a meal for two, or just to sit and get work done together." She said.

"Ok." He said.

"Six bathrooms. One master bathroom, along with two additional ones upstairs, two here and one in the basement." She said. I then got chills up my spine, it was something off. I'm not sure if it wasn't the house. It was Abby, I gave Winn a look and he winked at me.

"We'll take it." I said as she handed me the keys and took the paper work out of her bag.

"Where's my pen?" She said.

"I have one it's fine." Winn said as he pulled one out of his pocket.

"Black ink?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said as I felt the tension ease up.

"Is this your first sale?" I asked as I signed the papers.

"Yes, you caught me. The couple that I had before you weren't as nice as you two are." She said.

"Don't worry we don't bite, if anything we are softies." I teased and she chuckled.

"Ok, well it's settled," she pulled the keys out of her blazer pocket, "the house is all yours."

"Thank you so much." I said and she shook Winn's hand and gave me a hug.

"You guys know how to get out of here right?" She asked.

"Yes." We said in sync.

"Ok, good luck with everything, homeowners." She said as she left.

"We did it." Winn said. I smiled and then I started to frown. "What's the matter baby?"

"My dream is slowly coming true. However, my Dad and my actual parents aren't here to see it." I said. He hugged me.

"Don't worry, they are proud of you." He said as he kissed the top of my forehead. "I'll order the movers and you can look around."

"I already know I'm going to modify the giant window that's facing the backyard to a door like window." I said as I ran around.

"The Movers are ordered." He yelled from downstairs. I looked at the picture of Mary and I that I set as my home screen.

"Alright." I yelled back. I could hear Mary's laugh echo in my ears. Huh for some reason it's much louder like if she's here. I thought as I walked into the rooms. No one in the master bedroom, I walked to the room next door and she was there. "I'm hallucinating." I whispered to myself.

"No. I'm astral projecting across time." She said.

"Huh, Did I teach you that?" I asked.

"No, I'm getting help with this." She said.

"Ok." I said as she hugged me.

"I miss your time. I had fun there." She said.

"Well, it was a great time and I'm glad you got to stay for Thanksgiving. I wish you could've stayed at least until Christmas." I said as I sat on the floor.

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