Unexpected Announcement

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Trixie's POV

I woke up without Brian beside me. I went to the living room to find Brian with Matt (Pearl) and Paul (Violet). "Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you were here." I said. "Hey Trix, can I talk to you?" "Yeah of course." Matt (Pearl) dragged me in a corner. " So? What do you want to talk about?" I said curiously. "Well, I don't know how to say this, but Paul (Violet) and I are dating." "WHAT!" "Lower down your voice Brian. I don't want anyone else to know except you and Brian. You know... Since you guys can relate." Matt (Pearl) said. "I said we're only friends. And since when?" "A few days ago." "Okay. I'll keep your secret. But keep me updated. Okay?" "Deal."

We went back towards Brian and Paul (Violet). I sat beside Brian while Matt (Pearl) sat beside Paul (Violet). "Who stole you from me?" Katya said. "Oh, Matt (Pearl) and I just had a talk. Nothing to worry about Bri." I said. "Are you sure?" "Yes, of course. I wouldn't lie to you. Would I?" "You're right." I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but blush.

"Ooh. Look at you two being lovey-dovey." Paul (Violet) said. "Easy for you guys to say." I said. "Oh shut up. At least we found each other. Right, babe?" Paul (Violet) said. "Yeah you know we found each other too. Right, Bri?" "Yup." I said. We smiled at each other for a while. "Okay. Paul (Violet) and I are gonna get some food. Bye, see you later." "Okay then. Bye!" Brian said. They shut the door. "Wanna cuddle again with me?" "Of course." I said.


"Do you think they're dating?" Matt (Pearl) said. "I don't know. Maybe not. Why?" "Let's make a bet then." "Sure. I bet 50 dollars that they're not." Paul (Violet) said. "Hmm. Then I'll bet 50 dollars that they are." "Deal." They shook hands and went to a nearby cafe.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And do you guys want to see more Pearlet? Let me know!



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