chapter 4 his reason..

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so one of you comented on my youtube and asked me too update so why not!~ auther chan

~Hajmes P.O.V~

I felt the room get colder but i was to distraced thinking about how i had stockholm sndryom  too notice that a white haired boy had walked into the room.
"i hope thats thats better hinata-kun". he startled me so much i let out a yelp. he just looked at me in suprise "sorry im such a nuicence". he looked to the floor DESPAIR ON HIS FACE (oh god im turing into junko) "uh its fine i guess". he walks over and sits down on the floor next too me. "why did you kidnap me?"

he whipped his head around not noticing how close we were "why did you kidnap me?" i repeated he had a look of pure shock on his face but it soo shrunk into a look of nervousness. "I- I guess i had no friends i was lonley i needed somone but who would become friends with trash like me?" he sighed
and then i thought what if i made somone be my friend so i scouted out i thought you looked cute and seemed nice so i choose you and took you that night...". i was in shock really that was kinda sad..

"im sorry i just i need somone my parents died when i was little and everyone thought i was wierd...". i  honestly dont know what came over me but i leaned over and rapped my arms around his chest he stiffined but soon sunk into my hug and we just stayed there for a while until the light slowly faded and my eyes drooped i just fell asleep on him?

~Nagitos P.O.V~

he... fell asleep on me? he looked peacefull while he was sleeping.. i carfully picked him up bridal style  i layed him on the bed i heard him murmuring I would love to stay there with him........i had work to do though so i handcuffed him as gentally as possible and quietly tipped-toed out the room  i work at home so if he got up i would know.

~time skip brought to you by mondos gay bro love for ishimaru~

~Hajmes P.O.V~

i woke up on the bed again handcuffed again    then the door opened to what looked like to be sans with white hair "goodmorning ". he walked in with... bento?bento! bento,white rice,and water. he uncuffed me and handed me the food,chapsticks,and a fork. i stared at the food for at least 5 secondes before picking up the chopsticks and going for the bento.

"Hey hajme-kun?" i snapped my head back to look at him and waited for him to continue he looked down so i could'nt see his face "are friend?" i just looked at him im pretty sure i stiffined like a board "i don't kno- actually yes yes I am." I could tell he almost fell from the bed in suprise then im pretty sure he almost snapped his neck with how fast he looked at me "you didn'nt say that because your scared right?" i looked at him thinking for a momnent at first yes i had said that because i was scared.

but now i meant it  i had alway liked fixing peoples problems and i felt bad about his situation and i mean he was just lonley. I think he realized i was thinking really hard because i felt a tint of sadness and guilt in his eyes then i turned my eyes to to look at him a face of pure sureness "yes i mean it."
and then i felt weight push me backwards but i caught myself.

he was... hugging or more like squeezing me?  the biggest smile on his face i had ever seen in my life eye closed in joy. "I never thought anyone would be friends with complete trash like me." i think he shed a tear or two before realizing that he was basicly sitting on my lap he quickly got up and apoligized
i was honestly flustered he told me he had one more hour of work so he left the food and me and locked the door.

i kept remebering how he was hugging im pretty sure i slapped myself once or twice to get myself out of it i snapped out of it soon enough and finished the food it was honestly amazing and then i thought how have i not been found? oh right i had no family they diowned me when they found out i was gay i wasnt poor but i didnt have much money i was honestly really normal(Makoto 2.0)i worked at a small ofice so its likely i would never be found...
(sad boi =/ )

860 words

so i would like some more reads and i think some ideas would be nice too give me some motivation but i think it was nice that one of you gave me the motivation to keep going anyway thank you for reading :)

                                                                                                       -auther chan
and heres my channel i do gacha life

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