chapter 7 the mall part 2

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SO i think i have a schedule ill try and write a chapter every other day and then post on my youtube every other day but thank you so much for all the reads i feel super proud so ill try to make my chapters longer onward we go! :) -author chan


 ~Hajmes P.O.V~

we went into the store we all split up to get the clothes nagito said no mare than 6 outfits so i pick out 3 different colored jeans 3 basic T-shirts  6 pairs of boxers a pair of kackeys  a white blouse a tie shirt a sweater 2 different pairs of pj's socks and running shoes. we all met back up and nagito paid for  the clothes and we left it took us about thirty minutes we deicided  to go to a shoe and sock store that took 1 hour we texted the girls so we could meet up for lunch.

"the girls said we could meet up for lunch at the new place by the dress store." while we were walking i noticed nagito getting closer and then grabbing my hand. For some reason i didn't care so i pretended like i didn't notice.  we finally  got the the restaurant   the girls were sitting at a table at the back of the restaurant."h-hello!" mikan said chaik( i cant spell)."hey. we all sat down in a row the girls on one side all the boys on the other. a waiter came over and asked us what we want.

we all ordered and she gave all of us a friendly smile and walked away. then the awkward silence fuyhiko was staring at peko. while peko was staring out side she seemed to be on guard. Mikan   was just starring at the table nagito was starring at me he looked like he wanted to talk. chiaki was staring down at a nitendo switch. all of a sudden i felt a hand on my shoulder i looked at the person with the hand on my shoulder it was nagito."Hey hinata-kun can we talk in private?" i nodded yes and he grabbed my wrist and took me too the side. "Hinata-kun thank you." he said looking me straight in the eyes" for what?" I replied i looked back in his eyes i didn't notice our faces were so close all he said was

"for making me feel loved i can tell you care about me sure i have mikan and peko but they don't make me feel the way you do i don't know if this felling is the feeling of being loved or loving but you make me happy". i just stared at him i was flustered and surprised.  he obliviously noticed and turned a bright red he just walked back to his seat and sat back down.

he just left me there in shock red as a tomato. i regained my concussions and sat back down next to him he  just watched chiaki play now probably trying not to make it awkward between us . the girl came back with multiple trays and asked us which one belonged to whom.  after getting everyone there food it took a whole hour to finish the food and then we all got dessert me and nagito were sharing a chocolate cake. after finishing we all parted are ways and went shopping again.

~time skip brought to you by Hajme x orange juice~

nagito looked at his phone i don't  know how much we had bought but it had been a lot. "oh god that took us three hours." ill text the girls so we can leave." we all met up at the front of the mall the same car that drove us here picked us up we al got in the car sat next to nagito in the row closest to the front.

i didn't realize how tired i was until i was knock out i fell over into nagitos lap.

~Nagitos P.O.V~

i felt something heavy drop into my lap  i looked down at my lap and saw a passed out


he looked so peaceful i went through his surprising fluffy hair it took us  about 10 minutes to get home.hinata-kun was still asleep and didn't want to wake him up so i picked him up bridal style and took him out of the car "I have to go put hinata-kun in his bed." i went to my room oh god i   have to change him the first time wasn't weird because i barley knew him but know i think i like him i think.. just don't think to much about it  i quickly changed  him trying not to pay attention i layed him down on the bed i have work.. i walked out of the room still thinking about hinata-kun i walked out of the room and locked the door.

~Hajmes P.O.V~ two hours later

i woke in a bed changed and nagito on his phone on the other side of the bed . "Nagito?" "oh your up Hinata-kun." let me get you a meal you haven't eaten for five hours." he got up and  walked out of the room and closed the door i just stared at the wall waiting for Nagito to come back. i heard the door open and felt nagito walk over and sit down next to me he handed me blue cheese stake  broccoli water and mashed potatoes and a fork i silently started eating Nagito just stared at me i felt his eye piercing my skin. i just kept eating i saw him take out some of his own food and began eating it. after finishing the food he checked his phone "im going to need to handcuff you to the bed frame i'm really tired and its eleven clock." It's fine." he reached over and handcuffed me to the bed frame "Goodnight Hinata-kun!" he said happily laying down  "goodnight." i said not moving an inch.


hey guys thanks for reading ill try to make my chapters longer  im really busy with youtube and writing  so i might take breaks at times if im tired or just to busy for my own good bye! -Author chan

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