Season 1 Episode 1.1 - Staring Over

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I never have figured out why Darth Nihilus branded me as Starkiller. I've never killed a star. Is that even sane? Won't it just go into super nova and wipe everything out, including me? Stupid nickname. It is probably just meant to be flashy, because by the Force I can't see an actual purpose in it. If it was meant to have any accuracy, he probably would have titled me Jedi Killer or Light's Bane. I think Light's Bane sounds cooler.

As far as the Jedi Council before me is concerned, it might as well be my name. More than a few of them seem to enjoy staring holes into my head. Especially the bald man... Windu I think.

His jaw is tense, his body is ready for combat at a moment's notice, and so far as I can tell he set his own hair on fire just from thinking too hard. I think he might be crossing into the Jedi version of "pissed". As much as I respect his warrior readiness, he needs to relax. If I wanted to attack I would have by now. I've been here a whole two seconds on my knees. I only need one. Ah, well... Might as well play nice. Darth Sidius is expecting me and assured me we would be able to meet face to face.

The man next to me, Skywalker, I heard, isn't that much better. He is tense, but I think it's from a need to be respectful and at attention rather than Jedi-Pissed.

Jedi-Pissed, I like that word.

"You have done well in bringing in this Sith, Skywalker." The baldy begins.

"Thank you, Master."

"How did you come to subdue him?"

Subdue nothing, I couldn't be bothered putting up a fight. "I... didn't sir." Skywalker admitted with a slight apologetic bow. I must admit that brings my attention up to him. A Jedi without the need for an ego, not bad. Ten points.

Baldy didn't move, but moved his eyes from my captor to me and back again, slowly. ohhh creepy. I'm shaking in my boots. Minus one point. "Explain." He says rigidly. Minus two points.

"He came in as a normal passenger, and turned himself over to inspection. They assumed him to be a Jedi at first, but a blood analysis proved otherwise. He wasn't in any known database. I was asked to have a look, and..." Skywalker glanced down at me. "well, the dark side is easy to feel. Amazingly enough when I confronted him, he... sat there. Much like he is doing now. He has been amazingly cooperative."

Plus another few points for Skywalker. He didn't go into a long drawn out speech on light versus dark.

Windu just blinked. Minus one point for stupidity. Make that two. At last he stood up and said, "This Sith didn't resist at all?" Minus another point. He didn't listen obviously.

"No, sir." Minus one, Skywalker. Don't encourage his stupidity.

Baldy nods and walks over to me. I sit on the floor cross legged watching the whole exchange with barely contained amusement. I can't help myself, they are funny. At last baldy asks, "What are you doing here?" Minus one, does he really think I'll just tell him?

Oh, wait... I'll give baldy his point back. I might as well since I'm being all "cooperative".

I shrug and admit casually, "I came here to your lovely home to meet with Darth Sidius and pay him back for past insults to my former master; then I thought I might cause a riot or two while I'm at it. Being in space for months adrift in a tin can has so few pleasures."

What I say raises eyebrows amongst the Council around me, and some yelling ensues, or what accounts for yelling around here.

"Darth Sidius, here!? Preposterous!"

"You lie!"

"If he was here, we would know it!"

A bunch of points off for each yell, which I think amounts to twenty, plus five for combo points. I feel gracious and let Baldy stay neutral since he is silently glaring at me. Make that minus one, he has to blink some time.

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