Season 1 Episode 2.1 - First Impressions

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Chapter 4 - First Impressions Part 1/2

I wake up earlier than Tree-Hugger asked of me and I throw on my Jedi robes. They are very uncomfortable and baggy, not to mention heavy and drag the floor. I should put on my old clothes... but then I would get more looks. I don't need to deal with people looking at me.

I race out the door and enter the garden Tree-Hugger wanted. I wish I could say I was early to be getting on with my training or to obtain some great miraculous knowledge or whatever voodoo these people do, but I know the real reason. I am very troubled.

Last night was not well. I wouldn't exactly say I had pleasant dreams. I didn't even have nightmares. Nightmares I think I could handle, but what I saw was a complete lack of everything. This just reminded me further of my amnesia and well, it was upsetting. Not that I would tell anyone.

Do people with amnesia never dream?

"Hello, kid."

My thoughts are interrupted by a man's sudden intrusion. He is scarred, old, and grizzly. His brown eyes fit oddly enough with his long tough features, right down to the grey mustache and hair with a receding hairline tied up in a bun. Beside him was another person, a boy, probably no older than 10. The boy also had brown eyes and brownish-gold hair, but his eyes were inquisitive whereas the man's eyes were hardened from experience.

His bun, grey head, and large nose make him look like a ferocious bunny.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask heatedly. I am not fond of being called a kid. I am probably just as tall as him!

"Unless there is someone else who fits the bill..." He responds.

I grit my teeth to contain my first thoughts, and try wording myself better. "What do you want, old man?" Much better than what I was thinking. It doesn't include a combination of 'rat', 'bastard', and 'bunny'; so I am probably making progress.

His eyes flash in recognition of the insult, which is a whole lot more than I have gotten so far from most Jedi when I talk. He tenses his jaw and responds, "I am going to train you until your master and fellow apprentice returns."

Tree-Hugger did say something about extra training. He E-Mailed me a name... Some old general acquaintance of his who also serves under Baldy. "I take it your - uh - Rahm Kota?" I ask. He nods his confirmation and motions toward where he wants me to follow. That or he is signalling for a left-turn.

I don't budge. I look to the kid and ask, "And you would be?"

The boy jumps slightly in surprise at being given the focus of attention, but quickly shifts into a ball of energy and gusto. "I am Falon Grey! Padawan to General Rahm Ko-"

"Ah." I interrupt. Padawan. Isn't that what Tree-Hugger's girl is, and now me? Sounds like an apprenticeship. I'll probably find out later when I read the stuff Tree-Hugger assigned to me.

"What exactly are you going to train me in?"

Bunny crosses his arms and glares at me. I probably am having an attitude, but excuse me for not putting up with his crap. I return the glare. Grey looks between us nervously. Me, the teen defiant upstart, and him, the old tough-as-nails bastard.

After a moment Bunny's face snaps into a grin and he surprises me with a laugh. He grabs my shoulders, hauls me up, and pats me roughly. "You have the guts of a soldier. Not many can return my gaze so easily."

I just blink dumbly at him. His laughing catches both me and kiddo off guard, and frankly, it is scaring me. One moment he is a ferocious bunny with a stick up his butt, now he is like a... grandpa.

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