Season 1 Episode 4.2 - Images

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Anakin entered his Padawan's room to find Nine Jedi Knights and a Padawan around Varus. Hospital rooms are not meant for so many people, that's for sure.

"Snips." He greeted.

"Master." Ahsoka bowed.

The ninth Knight was sitting next to Varus with his hands outstretched over the former-Sith's head. Anakin sat down by her. "Is he hurt?"

The woman shook her head. "No. He should be waking up soon. Then we can see how he fares."

"What happened?" Ahsoka asked. "Why are there so many guards and why is she messing with his head?"

"Long story short young lady: He grabbed a Sith Holocron."

The Padawan gasped silently. Anakin assured her, "It's ok, Snips. He is in good hands."

"Shall I wake him up then?"

"You can do that?" Anakin asked.

"It won't be any different than an alarm clock going off."


Gah... I feel sick.

Why is my head in a toilet?

"I wasn't expecting that." Someone said behind me.

I lift my head up and suddenly realize why I jumped out of bed and threw myself into the fresher. The world is spinning, my head hurts, and the cold toilet seat feels good on my forehead. I realize this is the one place on Coruscant not designed for my face, but right now it feels like Mr. Toilet Bowl is my best friend.

"Mr. Wynn?" A woman asks.

Wynn... Wait, that's me. No one has called me by my last name yet. Why not just call me Varus like everyone else? I'm not gonna bite her head off for it. I groan and bark. "What!?" Ok, with the way I feel right now, I just might.

"Are you well?"

Is this woman stupid? I had thrown her aside to get in here, thrown up, and now I couldn't lift myself more than an inch off without getting dizzy, and she asks if I'm ok? "Do I look O.K.!?" I yell back.

"Yeah, he's good."

"Go to Hell, Tree-Hugger."

"Tree-Hugger?" Someone asks. I don't recognize the voice but the room behind me sounds like there are a lot of people in there.

"Don't. Just don't." Tree-Hugger tells him.

With some help from girly and Tree-Hugger I raise myself up off the ground onto my bed. The room isn't spinning as wildly as it was, but I can feel my eyes rolling around in my bed. I vaguely notice the others left.

The images. The voices.

The people in the room.

The triangle thing.

"Gah..." I cover my eyes against the light. "wha' happened? What was that thing I grabbed?"

"That, my Padawan, was a Sith Holocron."

I don't know what a Holocron is, but anything with the phrase 'Sith' attached to it probably isn't made of flowers and rainbows. Sith, from my reading, and what I saw from that Sector place, tend to be associated with a lot of dead people and pain.

Which would explain my head. It's almost ironic. I probably have a hangover and I haven't had a thing to drink.

"What's a Holocron?" I groan.

Tree-Hugger pauses so long I wonder if he is even there, but he eventually explains. "Long ago, there was an Empire called the Infinite Empire. We are Jedi, we are living. The Force enters us naturally, but the peak of their technology allowed them to fuse the Force into non-living matter. The height of their achievement was the Holocron."

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