Season 1 Episode 4.1 - Images

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Where am I? My head hurts... I'm on a ship, I know that much by the hum of the engine and gentle rocking. The lights flicker periodically, but it is not ghostly or cursed. The ship is full of life.

I see before me a man brazen in scars. He wears large heavy armor and a large Gatling gun on his back. I don't know him, but at the same time I do. I am shaking his hand, and though he was my enemy in some ways, he was also my most trusted friend and rival. He was a man of his word no matter how vulgar or barbaric his words may be. Canderous Ordo.

I don't remember him... I don't know him. Yet why is he nodding at me with reverent respect? Why am I laughing with him? Why is he telling me stories of great battles and sharing drinks with me? I don't even drink.

I leave the room. My head hurts.

I see a tall Cathar. A source of my guilt, but also resolve. She sees me as many things: Master, murderer, savior, one-sided lover. None of her emotions are mine to return and she understands. She stays by my side as a reject no matter of our past. I hold her to no contract but that which keeps her by my side day after day, yet I know she will never leave me. She is as much my teacher as I am hers. She stands as a symbol and living reflection of the mistakes I have made, but also my drive to fix them. Her sheer existence having given me the drive once to do what lesser men would not. Juhani.

Why does she look at me with this love and respect? I don't know her. I never hurt her or her family.

I see an old man tagging along to find his way again. He talks awful and with barbs, but there is an underlying respect.

A droid stands at attention in the corner of the room every hour of the day waiting for orders. If I say go, it will go. If I say stop, I will stop. If I say kill, it will laugh in glee, pull out a stupid one-liner I programmed into it as a joke, and relish every scream it can inflict in my name upon 'undesirable meat-bags'.

Zaalbar. The Wookie servant who I let go to revive his people in their war with the poachers. I never mistreated him, and he came to love me in his own way once he saw my honor. He left believing himself a better Wookie having been cured of his hatred of outsiders. Mostly.

Vao. Dear little friend. Naïve and yet street smart at the same time. Refused to have fallen into the darkness of the heart so many in gangs find themselves in and held onto an inborn innocence. She left me to actually run her own ship. So far as I know she spends the majority of her time helping Zalbar's clan with their economic issues. She left with a wink, a surprise peck on the cheek to rile everyone up and laugh at, and a promise to get me a drink when she is old enough.

She looks amazingly a lot like Ahsoka... Except one giant shade of blue. But why is everyone smiling at me in their own way? I don't know them! I don't know this ship I'm standing in!

I look around trying to see where I am and lock eyes with a man in the clothing of a rogue.

Carth Onasi... At once a combination of respect and hatred. The wounds I dealt in the past were too close to his heart for him to ever truly forgive, but he still came to respect me and forgive at least a little bit. To the end of my days I know I will still see the pain in him and the conflict in his eyes every time he looks at me. The desire to understand I am a new man, but yet still wears the face of the old.

I don't know how I know him. I just do. He left to become a general for the Republic but came around periodically to share drinks with me and Bastilla.

Bastilla... I see a woman. Her face lights up at my presence and she relaxes into my arms. Always so uptight. Always so filled with conflict. Around me she just... lets go. She knows I will always pick her back up, even when she fell to the Dark Side and tried to kill me.

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