Season 1 Episode 1.2 - Starting Over

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I gasp in pain. I clutch my head and jump up. It was excruciating. I can honestly say this feels like the most pain I have ever had in my life! It feels like... it feels like...

Okay, so I have nothing to compare the pain in my head to right now, I'm drawing blanks, but its blinding. I struggle to open my eyes and the effort only hurts them more. The place is lit with blinding white light. Blindly, I thrash out to get a feeling for what's around me.

I'm on a bed. Not too soft, not too hard. No comforter, just a single thin blanket. Beside me is an in table. There are no legs, it must be hovering. On it is a chilled glass.

Desperately I bring it to my mouth. The water feels nice going down my throat. I sigh in relief as its coldness against my forehead relieves some of my pain. It feels soooo good against the knives sticking out of my head.

I can't tell how long I've been sitting here, pushing to clear my mind of the fog feeling, but after a while I notice something. First of all, I don't know where I am or what I'm doing here. Second, there is someone in the room with me.

I reach quickly for my waist only to find... nothing. There was supposed to be something there. I don't know what, but without this mystery item I might as well be naked and exposed. This bald man in front of me is a battle hardened warrior, and he is sitting very straight forward glaring at me.

I wish I had my thing right now.

"How long do you plan to glare at me?" I ask snidely. Call me an idiot, but I ain't about to back down. If he wants to skewer me or make my head explode with his eyes, go ahead. Baldy's eyes widen briefly in surprise before returning to neutral glaring.

"I am waiting for you to become more oriented before we talk."

"Is giving me the eye truly necessary?"

Baldy is silent, during which I notice his glaring doesn't stop. It lightens slightly, but... is that how his face is naturally? Takes a lot for someone to glare without trying. I need to remember not to get on his bad side. I feel almost sorry for him if that is how his face is naturally. If only he wasn't aiming it all at me.

Baldy decides to change the subject, "Do you know where you are?"

I open my mouth to respond, but I draw a blank. I know I'm in a very well lit room, on a bed. Beyond that, I got nothing. Avoiding a direct answer I ask, "Do you know where I am?"

"Do you know what year it is?" He asks. Okay, so he wasn't fooled by my attempt to dodge answering.

"No. The place has no windows."

"Not time, year. Do you know what year it is?" He reminds me patiently.

I stay silent and give him my deepest glare. I wish it was as good as his, but it's the best I got. His questions are starting to scare me, and I don't appreciate it.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Baldy." I snap quickly.

He shakes his head. "No, not what I am... who I am."

Considering how difficult I know I am being, I can't help but wonder at how patient he is. His glare has neither intensified nor softened. His position also gives nothing to me. He is leaning against his knees with his hands together in a giant fist, and he hasn't moved a muscle. It's like nothing fazes him, or he is interrogating me, or he is in a vastly superior position and is being a snobby ass; Or a combination. It pisses me off. "Until I decide differently, you're 'Baldy'." I hiss.

"My name, is Jedi Master Windu." He states simply. As though talking to a toddler. I think he knows he is ticking me off. "Now. What is your name?"

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