Season 1 Episode 5.1 - Classified Information

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Aaaand, I'm back at the temple. Yippee.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate this place?" I mumble as we walk.

"Yes." Tree-Hugger confirms. Girly rolls her eyes.

"Good, wanted to be sure the point was taken."

"We won't be here too long." He lets us both know. We pass by a group of pre-teens. They look at me curiously, clearly not recognizing me.

I can almost picture what they are thinking.

'Hey, this guy wasn't in our classes, or the classes above us!' 'Ye! Who does he think he is!' 'Jackass' Queue maniacal laughter. I'm better than the lot of them! I got a Master the moment I got here.

"Varus. You shouldn't look down on others just because you are ahead. You could just as easily be one of them." Tree-Hugger's stern voice snaps me out of my thoughts just as I contemplate setting their hair on fire. I turn around to see his gaze and sigh reluctantly as we walk. He looks at me firmly like he knows I'm scheming and he walks slower

until he is beside me.

True... If Fate, or the Force, or God had decided for me to be one of them, I doubt there could be much I could do about it. It's not their total fault they're a bunch of... Tree-Hugger continues looking at me firmly.

"Fine..." I step aside to turn around-

and bump shoulders with someone as we walk and we both fall in varying degrees of embarrassment. My legs tangle and I fall flat on my face, but the strangler just falls to his or her knees.

"Hey! Watch it!" I blurt out angrily as I pick myself back up to face... her. (It's a girl.) The girl is staring at me. Written all over her face is pain, shock, and a hint of anger. I freeze momentary under the heat of her eyes.

Ok, I really got to work on my mouth.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been walking backwards to talk with Tree-Hugger. Perhaps I shouldn't have been snippy and saying the first thing that came to my mind. If she had caught me a few weeks ago, I probably would have bitten her head off, but I don't think I said it as haughtily as I would have prior to today. I'm trying to not get people to hate me everywhere I look! It's just... instinct. So that accounts for something, right?

For a moment we stand there tensely. The girl doesn't stop staring. It's like she can't believe what I said. I stand. How do you apologize without losing your honor in the process? Because, seriously, I have no idea. I'm not used to having to apologize. For anything.

"Sorry, about my Padawan, young Lady." Tree-Hugger puts a hand on my shoulder. "He is kinda a brat at times," and turns me around before pushing me away.

OK, I deserve that.

I give the girl a glance again as I leave and she just continues to watch me with open, gaping shock until we turn a corner and she disappears.

He resumes talking as though nothing happened as we walk, "I have been told the results of our findings are in, and I have scheduled a meeting with a psychologist for you, Varus."

"Yaaaaaaaaaaay." I cheer weakly, dripping in sarcasm. I can't get the girl out of my head. I really should figure out how to apologize before I start making enemies everywhere.

"The point in this meeting will be for you to divulge as much as you know of the Holocron-memories as you feel comfortable with. There should be a large clue as to who this Sith is, and then how we should deal with it."

"What does it matter which Sith it is? Aren't they all evil? Just give empathy and concern and attention, and Varus will recover like a spring chick." Ahsoka looks at me with mischief clear in her eyes. "Hugs work wonders."

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