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Meet At A Highschool Reunion

TW: Random Alternate Universe, technically Real Person Fic so don’t read if you don’t like. . bla bla bla. :)

*Since my last Nanocoffee wasn’t even five hundred words including my author’s note, I’m going to make this one a bit longer and throw a bit of that prompt in as well. :) Hope you are fine with this, whoever requested! *

Can you believe our ten year reunion is tonight? I hit send and wait for Hannah to reply. Hannah was one of the few people I kept in contact with after school ended since we both stayed in town and are working at a film studio in a neighboring town.

It’s insane. You going?

Might as well, not like I have anything better to do. You? I look around, changing into something that isn’t my Batman pajamas doesn’t sound like fun.

Yea. I’m still trying to talk Lewis into going with me though. I laugh, sending Hannah one last text saying I’ll talk to her later before getting up and going to get ready.

Hours pass and Hannah is outside my house banging on the door. “I’m coming!” I open the door and Hannah gives me a once over, laughing.

“Really?” I’m in my Batman long sleeve and jeans, nothing fancy. Hannah is a bit fancier, a light blue shirt under a cardigan.

“What? I’m not going to impress anyone. I’ll probably just sit on one of the chairs like a loner. Just like old times,” I smile, staring off into the distance.

“Come on, I don’t want to be late.”

The reunion is starting at the school, but everyone will probably migrate over to the Crooked Caber, the local bar.

Walking through the dimly lit hallways, I can’t help but be reminded of every scary movie or game I have ever seen or played that took place in a school. Thankfully we reach the gym quickly, and we find quite a few people already milling about.

“Names?” We walk up to the table set up right inside the doors to sign in.

We get our name tags and stick them to our shirts. I look around the gym, rolling my eyes at how terrible the decorations are. They hung up streamers and balloons, a table with veggie plates pushed up against the wall.

“See anyone you recognize?” I look around and shake my head. “Wait - Is that Nilesy?”

I look to where she is pointing to see a thin guy with dark hair standing awkwardly alone in the corner. “I think so?”
Hannah walks over to him, me following close behind. “Hey, Nilesy?”

He looks up, looking rather startled that someone is talking to him. “Oh, hey Hannah! Kim. How are you guys? It’s been so long.”

We talk to Nilesy for a while, learning he builds pools and is manager of a pool business. I wasn’t ever very good friends with Nilesy, so I just stand there, every now and again answering a question thrown my way.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, turning and walking away. More people have shown up, but none of them I was ever more than an acquaintance with. Walking over to where the coolers of drinks are, I crouch down to open one and get a bottle of water.

Standing up and spinning around, I am surprised to find myself uncomfortably close to a guy who is much taller than me.

“Oh God, I’m sorry.” His name tag says Duncan, but the name doesn’t ring a bell.

“No, it’s my fault. I’m Kim, by the way.”

“Duncan. Nice to meet you.” He leans down to get something out of the cooler. “So Kim, do you live around here?”

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