Chapter 2 - 2 Long days

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(Narrator pov)

Fresh and Error were sitting on the floor in the anti-void and fresh could tell that error was getting more angry every minute so... he decided to... help in a way and if his anger grows he knows how to get through the 2 days...

"um... hey broski I know you all up and hate this so why don't we do something radical" fresh said trying to talk to error "Tch and why would I do anything with you, you 90's nightmare" Error said looking away, fresh sighed 'this might be more difficult than expected' fresh thought then he realized something... there was nothing here... how does he keep himself entertained how does he stay here? then fresh thought of something "hey error brah, have you ever played Mario cart?" fresh asked and even though error hated him he was slightly curious "What... is Mario cart?" error said, fresh was in awe how did he not know what Mario cart is!? His glasses changed to 'No-Way' and error was shocked by the glasses changing but did not show it. "how do you all up and not know what Mario cart is brah!? its a radtastic game where you get to crush opponents in racing yo!" fresh said trying to express 'emotion' because what most people or well all the people that he knows today doesn't know about his disorder, he has had it since he was a kid and has never been able to show or express emotion let alone feel so he tried to express it with what he could.

Anyways Fresh kept talking about Mario cart and error was very invested since it sounded so cool to crush opponents in racing "Its so Rad! hey error brah would you like to play Mario cart with me broski?" fresh asked error and error really wanted to but he tried to play it off "Tch whatever I guess since there is nothing else to do" error said Fresh smiled easily seeing through his sentence "alrighty brah well lets go yo!" fresh said getting up error following, error was very confused but then fresh made a portal and error was shocked he thought only him and ink could do that but he shrugged it off, then they both walked through the portal as it closed behind them, they were in snowdin it was quiet or silent... error looked around and saw dust in the snow "error brah welcome to my radtastic home... or used to be now error brah lets all up and go to my house I got some radtastic Mario cart there" Fresh said Error looked at fresh with disbelief that he wasn't phasing that his whole au or what he assumed to be the whole au was dead, then fresh turned towards error knowing what he was thinking "don't worry error brah it's been like this for years so don't all up and worry, or that's what yall call it" fresh said as they reached his house "here we are brah" fresh said as he opened the door and they walked inside as error closed the door behind them, it was very colorful and very clean, error already hated it because of the colors, then fresh led them to the couch as he turned on his tv, and grabbed 2 controllers he then sat down on the couch error soon following as fresh gave error a controller as he went to Mario cart.

A few hours later fresh and error were playing Mario cart and as soon as error got the hang of things he always ended up first and fresh was always second. "how are you so dang good!?!?" fresh said clearly mad but he shrugged it off "I'm a natural!" error said gloating fresh smiled knowing that he was at least getting to know error then error's stomach growled "Ehh" error blushed lightly and fresh thought this was cute in a way but shrugged it off as he noticed error blush allot darker like a lemon "The H*ll is wrong with your glasses!?"error said pointing to fresh's glasses, fresh tilted his head in confusion as he turned around so error could not see his eyes as he took off his glasses and looked at them it said Cu-te and his eyes widened as he put them back on "don't mind it brah heh... but what would ya like to eat broski?" Fresh asked "I-im not hungry..." error said, Fresh was not buying it as his glasses changed to Rea-lly, "look error brah it's fine just tell me what ya want to all up and eat" fresh said "Fine since you wont stop bugging me about it... um... cookies?" error said not knowing what to say fresh smiled "alright broski" fresh said error was very curious of how fresh would even get the cookies unless he was going to cook them but he wasn't getting up. Fresh made a portal and grabbed a plate of cookies before hearing someone scream and closed the portal, fresh sighed in relief since he wasn't caught he then looked at error and handed him the plate of cookies "here ya go error brah!" fresh said as he smiled as error once again, Error then took one of the cookies and started eating the cookies and his eyes sparkled at the first bite since he haven't had cookies in like years so he enjoyed the cookies and fresh just stared at him, since they were handcuffed. 'error looks so cute l- wait what!? no... I mean... he does look cute but I still cant feel anything' fresh thought then snapping back to reality he realized error was done already, "wow that was fast broski" fresh said "shut up, I haven't had cookies in years..." error said pouting fresh chuckled Then fresh used his magic to put the plate In the sink and error saw it, it was purple? 'does that mean his soul and eyes are purple?' Error thought as he looked at fresh's glasses then while fresh was distracted trying to put the plate into the sink he took off fresh's glasses to get a very quick reaction from fresh, fresh closed his eyes "show me your eyes" error said "w-well broski I don't really want ya to run from me brah so no thanks but can I please have my glasses back yo" fresh said, error looked at fresh and he could see fresh was slightly shaking although he thinks fresh did not notice at the time which was a correct assumption, he looked at fresh shocked, was his eyes that personal to him? error sighed as he put fresh's glasses back on "Tch there if its that important" error said as he pouted fresh opened his eyes now his glasses were back on and smiled at error as he put the dish's in the sink "thanks error brah, I would hug ya but I don't think ya would like that very much brah" fresh said while scratching his neck "but anyways error brah do ya wanna play some more Mario cart broski?" fresh asked "Nah, its getting late" error said "alright then brah follow me yo" fresh said as he got up from the couch and error soon following they went to fresh's room it was more colorful than the downstairs, they both sat on the bed "so error brah wanna sleep on the bed or the floor?" fresh asked "I don't f*ckin know" error said "well you can sleep on my radtastic bed" fresh said getting up and laying on the floor making sure error was comfortable with the handcuffs "Alright whatever" error said as he layed down and tried to sleep, 2 hours later error was still trying to fall asleep then he felt something tug on the handcuffs, he looked in the direction to see the back of fresh's skull and him with a book and pen in his hands, error decided to read over fresh's shoulder because he was curious fresh then started writing:

Journal entery @^Y@!

So today is the day I help ink with the error situation and so far out of the 2 days what I have examined from error is that,

He tries hard to hide his feelings,

He has a disorder called Haphephobia,

He is apparently the destroyer of au's like ink said,

he glitches quite allot when he is angry,

and I assume he lives in a white au.

And this whole day error was not as bad as ink brought him out to be, error is clearly misunderstood and I don't think anyone has been there for him for a long time, so I've decided that my goal as his friend if he even calls me that, I want to keep him company no matter what anyone says maybe I could convince ink to handcuff me and error again so I could get to know him better, but error does seem really cool and I really want to be around him more, we do have one more day after all, but I think I will have to get another one soon.


Error was shocked at what fresh wrote and how detailed he could be then he quickly turned his head and closed his eyes, as he realized fresh was putting the book away. He then looked back to see fresh on the floor sleeping, error then went to sleep thinking of what he just read.

While the 2 were sleeping a portal showed up in the room, it was ink, ink smiled as the first day was done then he wrote a note and quickly left, making the portal close behind him.

~In the morning~

Error woke up and yawned, he tried to stretch but then he remembered the handcuffs "Hey fresh you awake yet?" error said, Fresh yawned "yeah broski, I've been up for awhile I couldn't sleep" fresh said as he got up and sat on the bed "Then sleep more" error said "huh?" fresh then looked at error "If you couldn't sleep well then you should sleep some more" error said making fresh lay down "b-but brah" fresh tried to say as he tried to sit up, but error hugged fresh and forced him to lay down "No we are not going anywhere until you get a good amount of sleep" error said "heh fine broski" fresh said as he took off his glasses on the side table and error looked away knowing how personal his eyes were to him, "night broski" fresh said closing his eyes error looked back to see fresh and error continued to hug him as he fell asleep to "Night fresh" error said as they both fell asleep.

~7 Hours later~

Fresh woke up as he opened his eyes to see a sleeping error he smiled a bit, as he hugged error back and just sat there with his eyes closed. 5 minutes later error woke up. "Fresh you awake?" error asked "yeah broski I woke up 5 minutes ago brah" fresh said as he sat up, error soon following then error grabbed fresh's glasses and put them on fresh "here" error said "thanks broski but what ya wanna do yo?" fresh asked error "don't really know we could go to outertale?" error said "sure brah!" fresh said as they both got up error made a portal to outertale as they walked through and it closed behind them, they were in the forest they walked for a bit before coming to a ledge, they both sat on the ledge and looked up, error smiled at the beauty of the stars and fresh smiled as he looked at error and looked up "there beautiful brah" fresh said "Mhm!" error said, fresh smiled, as he once again looked at error fresh then looked down as he took off his glasses and fidgeted with them, error went to look at fresh but saw him without his glasses so he instantly looked up "it's fine brah you can look" fresh said, error then slowly looked at fresh staring at him to see fresh's eyes, they were a light purple and to error's pov fresh's right eye was an upside down heart "there so.... Pretty!" error said without thinking, Fresh was shocked as he looked at error, error was in a trance. "w-what?" fresh said snapping error out of his trance making error blush light yellow "um... well I said there were p-pretty, and there very unique..." error said looking away with his blush growing "thanks broski your the first to say that" fresh said smiling.

Ever since that day they have been very close, although error did not stop destroying au's and fresh did not stop.....and as time went on ink grew angrier and angrier by the days, weeks, and months... and everything was going well between the 2 until...

~3 years later~

~Thanks for reading chapter 2. and I hope ya enjoyed~

{2165 words long}

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