Chapter 7 - Heated

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(Narrator pov)

Error kept sucking on Fresh's neck making fresh moan lowly, then fresh yelped error paused as he tried to process what happened then it clicked, as he went back to fresh's neck and started to attack that spot on fresh's neck, fresh started to moan a tad bit louder, Error started to kiss down then took off fresh's jacket and sweater as he kissed and licked each of fresh's ribs, Suddenly error flipped fresh over and licked fresh's neck from behind making fresh moan, error started licking fresh's spine while touching fresh's ribs, fresh was moaning allot then suddenly fresh turned around and got on top of error "F-fresh!?" error said as fresh started to lean down and kiss his neck, error kept in his moans as fresh started to suck and nip on error's neck, then fresh harshly bit down on error's neck making a moan slip through his lips encouraging fresh to keep going, fresh kept biting on error's neck, Once he found error's spot on his neck he bit down harder than before making error moan louder than before, Fresh kept attacking error's neck while he started to take off error's jacket and sweater, then started to touch and drag his fingers along error's ribs then retracted from error's neck and saw error's soul, fresh looked up and error nodded then fresh took error's soul

(I don't know if he has one or not so they do in this story)

there were a bunch of cracks on it, fresh licked the cracks making error moan loud, fresh licked deeper into the cracks making error moan allot more, fresh then put error's soul in his mouth and started to frantically lick error's soul loving the taste as he grinded his knee against error's D*ck. Error moaned out loud as he arched his back, this felt amazing to him considering monster souls were very sensitive and the extra sensation of fresh rubbing against error's crotch, then fresh suddenly stopped while taking the soul out of his mouth and puting it on the side table making error whine quietly, then fresh took off his clothes so he was naked and did the same for error, error's blush covered his whole face as fresh leaned down to where error's ear was and whispered "I'm going to make you feel amazing~" fresh said in a lewd voice making error blush even more than before and making error's boner grow, then fresh leaned back as he grabbed lube from under his bed "W-where did you get t-that?" error asked not knowing what it actually was since he has never done this at all.... unless we count..... ANYWAYS! "Oh I got this from lust brah" fresh said switching between his slang and normal talk, as he said that he put lube on 3 of his fingers then putting the bottle back under the bed, "this is going to feel weird at first brah but just relax" fresh said as error nodded and fresh circled error's hole with his index finger and slowly pushed it in making error gasp as he gripped fresh's arms, fresh waited for error to adjust then started to slowly thrust his finger in and out of error making error moan, Then without warning fresh thrusted another finger in as he started to scissor error making error moan louder, Error was really enjoying himself but he kinda wanted more, this was the first time he had actually enjoying himself other than the ink incident, and error lost in thought yelped as fresh had found his prostate as all 3 fingers were inside him now. Fresh smirked as he harshly thrusted on that one spot making error arch his back in pleasure. "F-Fresh~ P-Please~" error moaned out really wanting more of this amazing feeling, fresh nodded as he lined up his aching member to error's hole, And error realized something how he turned from top to bottom quite fast and fresh being very dominant, then error broke out of thought once again for fresh to be pushing his tip into error, error moaned out in pain and pleasure making Fresh pause half way so error could adjust.

-2 minutes later-

Error started to fidget for fresh to move, fresh got the message and started to move and pushed the rest of his D*ck inside of error making error moan, fresh started thrusting slowly into error purposely missing error's prostate, because he would loose himself and even now its hard to keep himself contained as he listened to error's moans, as fresh kept thrusting slowly into error keeping his composer error was moaning in pleasure but it wasn't enough, then had a plan as he moaned out, "ah~ ah~ f-fresh~ please~" error moaned out it was quite embarrassing but it worked fresh blushed dark violet as he heard his name and he wanted to hear it more as he started to speed up, As time went by fresh started to get faster and faster than before and eventualy they both climaxed.

They were both breathing heavily and fresh had pulled out with a lewd pop, error cuddled up to fresh and before he went to sleep he said "I-I love you fresh" fresh's blush grew then smiled as he kissed error on the forehead "I love ya too" fresh said before he went to sleep cuddling error.

~Thanks for reading chapter 7 and sorry for how short this is this is the first time I've written about this type of thing skeleton wise and I tried my best so hope you enjoyed reading this far Bye~

{939 words long}

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