Chapter 10- Trying To Find The Key And Sleep Deprived

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(Narrator pov)

'To find what you seek look through the past and see who you meet,

not friend not foe but will help you in this toll,

only 1 has felt this pain as he has gone through it everyday'

Dream- W-what? is this a riddle?

Blue- I thought you said this will help us stop him!

Dream- I never said it will there was a high possibility!

Blue- Then we don't even know if we can beat him!

Fresh- SHUT UP

Everyone looked at fresh, fresh had taken off his glasses and was looking at this quote closely... he wanted to figure out this riddle because for him he feels like he has something to do with it but fresh was thinking harshly

Fresh- now that you guys have calmed down I would like to say before we jump to conclusions lets try and figure out this riddle because It could actually be the key to defeat him, now you guys think about this riddle I need to chat with someone I will be back.

Fresh then started to climb down the tree everyone just looked at each other and sighed as they started to talk about this riddle. Once fresh reached the bottom of the tree he walked a bit away then slid down a tree then he closed his eyes

(Normal- Fresh) (Bold- parasite)

'Hey.... HEY! are you there! I know your there! answer me were in a despite situation and I think I need your help!' Fresh thought and finally a voice answered back for the first time in years it was the same voice that had made him miserable

'What is it? what do you need you haven't needed me in years' The parasite said

fresh inhaled and exhaled he needed to say his words wisely if he wanted to get this things help

'Look I know that you don't like me that much but I need your help'

'And why should I help you? what will you give me?'

'Im not going to give you anything! you ruined my life! Listen! if you don't help then the world could be in danger and we all could die! and eventually me!'

'tch fine what do you need, and hurry up before I change my mind im already mad that you haven't taken over anybody recently'

'ok I have a question is there anymore things like you in the whole multiverse?'

'no why? you were just unfortunate to find me and I took over your body'

'... so im the only one that suffers this... pain I guess you could say?'

'Yeah? I guess so...'

'..... Last question do you know anyway to see words on a blank page?'

'what? why do you wanna know if I can or cannot?'

'like I said we could all be in danger, there is this book and it had a riddle in it and I feel like it relates to you and me somehow'

'what did the riddle say?'

'um I think it said something like, To find what you seek look through the past and see who you meet? not friend... not foe but will help you in this toll?... um what was the last bit... oh! it was, only 1 has felt this pain as he has gone through it everyday... I think that's how it went why?'

'Oh god I've heard that riddle before, you have no idea who your dealing with... ok so I think I know what it means and you are correct it does have to do with you and me, but I will need to tell you to read the words in that book you will have to use your magic on the book since you are slightly connected to the book'

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