Chapter 9- Taking control And Helping Ink

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(Narrator pov)

Ink slowly woke up and jolted up he looked down and looked at his fingers he smiled and felt like crying he was finally back! after all this time he finally regained control, then dream walked in "h-hey ink I wanted t-to cheak on you" dream said as he hesitantly walked over to ink, ink got up and walked over to dream "D-don't hurt me please!" dream said closing his eyes tight and started shaking, ink was confused but knew it had something to do with... him, he then hugged dream, dream was scared out of his mind still scared ink was going to hurt him. Ink backed up as he looked at dream, he thought that the hug would calm him down but It did not then suddenly dream looked at ink "I-I will go back to my p-post now s-sir" dream said as he bowed and walked towards the door, ink then grabbed dream by the arm and turned him around. Dream looked at ink in terror then started to cry "P-please! d-don't!" dream said basically begging at this point. "hold on I want ya to calm down so I can tell ya something before I loose control again" ink said, dream stopped shaking "lose control?" dream repeated, ink nodded and looked dream dead in the eyes.

Ink- "listen to me dream look in my eyes they are a star and diamond right?"

Dream- "yeah why? and why are you being so nice to me?"

Ink- *sigh* "look a while back I don't know how long ago something took over my body and ever since that day I have been controlled I saw what they did but not all of it I would pass out sometimes at days at a time, the last thing I remember was my sleepover with blue and fresh... I don't know if 'I' told you about it..."

Dream stood there in shock because the thing is 'ink' told him about the sleepover and what he did to error and fresh, dream was slightly scared because its been 5 years since ink had been in control.... 'maybe.... he could get rid of whatever is controlling ink! but I will need to tell the others what ink told me... and besides im not sure if they will believe me... but I would never lie to anyone so maybe there is a chance...' dream thought then he decided to go through with his plan but later.

Dream- "I-it's been 5 y-years...."

Ink- "what... y-your joking... right? it cant have been that long!"

Dream- "ink calm down your shaking don't worry we will get through this, but is there anyway to get rid of it?"

Ink- "I-I don't know but I do know that he always hides a book somewhere in..... the throne room I believe"

Dream- "ok thank you by the way can he hear us?"

Ink- "no that's the good thing"

Dream- "ok then I will be on my way"

Ink- "alright and remember when both my eyes are red, that means he is in control"

Dream- "ok got it bye!"

Ink- "Bye!"

As soon as dream left ink just layed down in the bed and stayed awake because he knows this is just fun for Him, and if he went to sleep he would control again but he already knew he could control when he wanted so there was not point but he stayed awake anyways...

With Dream

Dream had started sprinting to the throne room he did not know how much time he has until that thing controls ink again. Once he got to the throne room he started searching frantically after 10 minutes he found a book he smiled proudly as he blew on the cover it was very VERY dusty and it said

How do you get rid of ----

Dream knew this was the book so he quickly made a portal to his house and went through as it closed behind him and grabbed a purse like bag and put the book in there after zipping it, then made a portal to underswap he stepped through as it closed behind him, he needed allot of help but he only knows a few that can help and they are probably not willing but its worth a shot... he walked over to blue's house as he had one of his hands over the purse like bag, once he got to the front he knocked on the door, the door opened and dream was meet with blue

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